
REVIEW: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #40




What happens when you have the House of Zod face up against a squadron of elite Green Lanterns? Let’s just say it’s not the outcome that you would expect. After several issues of teasing, the showdown begins! Warning the following review will contain spoilers, so be sure to read your comic before reading this review. You have been warned.
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REVIEW: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #39


The drum of war beats evermore. The confrontation between Zod with his family and The Green Lantern Corps draws ever closer. Will the two powers clash in this chapter? Or will the tension continue to rise, will Venditti make the tension so thick that you can cut it with a knife? Warning the following review will contain spoilers. So be sure read your comic before reading this review. You have been warned.
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REVIEW: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #37


KNEEL BEFORE ZOD! In all my years of reading DC comic I can’t recall seeing Green Lanterns go up against General Zod. I’m sure this isn’t their first encounter, but it’s at least their most recent fight. As always the following review will contain spoilers. So be sure to read your comics before reading this issue. You have been warned.
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REVIEW: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #35


TO BE THE MAN! YOU GOTTA BEAT THE MAN! WOOOOO!!! I’ve been writing reviews for this site for over four years and I have been dying to write more wrestling references. Thankfully Robert Venditti actually puts not only a wrestling reference into this issue, but it’s a reference to the greatest stable in all of pro wrestling history. Okay enough about wrestling, let’s move onto the comics. Warning they’re will be spoilers going forward, so be sure to read your comics before reading this review. You have been warned.
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REVIEW: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #32


Attention readers…..the DCU has been invaded by Batmen from the Dark Multiverse. The following review has been paid for by The Dawnbreaker. Warning there will be spoilers, so be sure to read your comic prior to reading my review. Also if you’re not reading Metal but would like to in the future, there might be spoilers for that as well. Read further on at your own caution. ROCK ON!
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REVIEW: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #31


I know that this is a Green Lantern based site but after reading this weeks issue of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps I can’t help but recall Joker’s quote from The Killing Joke. “Memories can be vile” Yes I know the quote itself doesn’t stop there, but to great shock the Joker isn’t inherently wrong. Not every trip down memory lane is a pleasant one, and even memories that seem good can be painful reminders of what once was. Warning they’re will be spoilers going forward, be sure to read your comics before continuing. You have been warned.
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REVIEW: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #30


It’s everyone’s favorite time of the year! The weather starts to cool down (well in your neck of the woods it might be), and people across America start decorating their houses will frightful objects and adults buy bags of candy only to consume it for themselves. We here at the Green Lantern Corps are well aware of what fear can do to a person, and this issue brings the fear right to you. Talk about perfect timing. As per usual they’re will be spoilers going forward, you’ve been warned.
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REVIEW: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #29


You know how people have variations on what’s considered the ultimate thrill ride? Some might say it’s jumping out of an airplane at a absurd height level. Others might say it’s jumping into a shark cage waiting in the deep ocean to see JAWS (not the film of course, but holy shit that would be cool). What if I told you the ultimate thrill ride is riding in a fighter jet, while escaping the Omega Beams! Warning they’re will be spoilers going forward! You have been warned!
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