
REVIEW: Green Lantern #23.3: Black Hand


We now enter the third week of DC comics Villain month, and the Crime Syndicate has taken over the world and all seems to be break lose. However we ignore all this with this particular spotlight issue focuses on our favorite undead but not really dead villain in William Hand better known to readers as Black Hand. Black Hand at least under Geoff Johns has gained become more recognition then in previous years. So what kinda story can we expect with Black Hand under the creative team of Charles Soule and Alberto Ponticelli? Let’s open page one and find out shall we.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #23.2: Mongul

We now enter the second week of DC’s Villains month and for the Green Lantern titles, the focus shifts from our new friend Relic to a old staple for the DC Universe. That villain is the leader of Warworld, Mongul. This should be stated right off that bat before this review can get underway with the contents inside, this issue does not tie into Forever Evil nor does it seem to deal with the upcoming Lights Out crossover next month for the Lantern books. Instead this issue that is 100% Mongul and that might be a good or bad thing depending on the type of reader who buys this book. Now co creator of Mongul Jim Starlin and veteran artist Howard Porter reintroduce Mongul to the New 52, but the question is do they do an effective enough job? Let’s open page one and find out.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #23.1: Relic

The time has finally come for evil to reign over the DC Universe. Now while many readers will recognize most of the villains that will have their own one shot for the second anniversary of the New 52. However most of these villains are not “new” by any means, BUT Green Lantern readers have been introduced to a brand new character known only as Relic. Needless to say that Relic has captured many readers imagination and the anticipation has been building for the particular one shot. Now does the book give us any details on what Relics’ universe was like? Does Robert Venditti give more depth to Relic as a character more so than we have seen over the past several months? Well let’s open page one and find out shall we?

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #23


We are now into the third of month for the duo of Robert Venditti and Billy Tan and it seems they are finding their footing, as drama continues with the battle against Larfleeze, the death of Green Lantern under Hal’s leadership, and the escape of a newly christened Star Sapphire. Needless to say, Robert Venditti is taking Green Lantern book in a positive direction for the book, but maybe not for Hal Jordan. It’s clear that three months now, this particular series is on a slower burn approach then the rest of the corps books which isn’t inherently a wrong way to tell a story, but in fact distinguishes it from the three other books. The question that should be ask, can Venditti and Tan keep going at this pace while satisfying new and old readers alike? Well let’s open page one and find out shall we?

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #22


It’s roughly been 30 days and that means it’s time for the next issue of Green Lantern!!! Now last issue had it’s flaws and missteps, however there was some good to be found in last months issue. Have Robert and Tan found that magic? Will they take Hal as leader of the Green Lantern Corps to a logical yet dynamic story? Well lets dive in and find out shall we.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #21

So here we are, the first issue of Green Lantern proper not written by the man who redefined the Green Lantern mythos or better known as Geoff Johns. In steps veteran writer Robert Venditti along with artist Billy Tan to take the on the challenge of following one of the most memorable runs in recent comics history. Are they up for the challenge? Well lets dive into issue 21 shall we?

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