
REVIEW: Green Lanterns #47



Acceptance is a difficult pill to swallow. I’m convinced that we as humans will deny aspects ourselves for years, until we reach a critical juncture in our lives that forces us to examine from within. We’ll come up with excuses before confronting our own personal issues. Even the mightiest of superheroes have fallen victim to this oh so human response, even those of the lantern variety. Warning the following review will contain spoilers. So remember to read your copy before reading on. You have been warned.

If you’ve read my previous reviews, then you are aware of how I felt about Simon and Jessica dating. However over the course of both Sam Humphries and now Tim Seeley have advanced the relationship between Simon and Baz. While this issue doesn’t exactly end with a deep passionate kiss between the two Green Lanterns, the events do bring them closer together. The best relationships are built upon a foundation of friendship and this issue should solidify the bond between Cruz and Baz. After all it takes a true friend to pull their best friend out of a hole to deep to climb out alone. What really sold me on this was seeing Baz holding out his hand for Jessica, a tender moment perfectly captured by Ken Marion stellar pencils.

The crux of this issue however hinges on the internal conflict of Jessica’s emotional state. Excluding the aspects of Baz talking Jessica off a bridge, I honestly felt that somehow Seeley found a way to humanize Jessica even more so. This soul version of Jessica isn’t someone who suffers from panic attacks, or stumbles her way through life. Her tone felt raw, and honest. This particular sequence is also extremely powerful because of what Jessica is voicing. It’s no wonder why she locked herself away, Jessica didn’t fear the outside world. She feared what she would become.

Even though amount of page time had to be given to Jessica and Simon, I really got a kick out of the Justice League (and John Constantine) confrontation with Calamity Jaine. The one page dedicated to various members of the Justice League reliving a dark moment. However I couldn’t exactly tell what was going on in Wonder Woman’s panel. This doesn’t hurt my enjoyment of this issue, it just left me confused. I can only assume it’s her leaving Paradise Island for the first time and the idea of not being able to return must have been terrifying for Diana. Plus I did enjoy Constantine try and use a Green Lantern ring, a well done comedic beat.

Ken Marion is become a personal favorite of mine. His line work continues to remain stellar, but what sold me once again was his handling of Jessica during her moment crisis. Marion’s pencils indicate a Jessica that wants to revel in revenge. It helps that Jessica doesn’t say anything right before she attempts to kill the mobsters who stole her life. It’s sinister in nature, a twisted reflection of the character that we all know and love. It’s wonderful storytelling that under a lesser artist this entire moment could have fallen apart.

Green Lanterns #47 finally brings some closure to Jessica’s internal struggle. A solid conclusion with emotional depth and the occasional well timed joke. Now bring on Simon and Jessica dating! That is until Hal takes away Jessica’s ring.

Green Lanterns #47 earns a 4/5


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