Even though the train for Rebirth has officially left the station, we have one straggler before the new status quo can officially take mold. It’s the final chapter of the latest mini series to feature the GLC, and despite the fact that I’ve been unimpressed to negative for most of this series, I genuinely want this finale to end on a positive note. So before we close this chapter of the Green Lantern Corps, let’s say goodbye to this universe and welcome back the old DCU.
One of the big criticisms I had for the previous issue was the very inconsistent art due to various inkers working off one penciler. Thankfully this issue the art, while still had it’s problem the fact that Scott McDaniel did the breakdowns with Jack Herbert serving as the primary artist. The art itself is very workman like, with an occasional lack of detail when multiple lanterns are on the page (Guy Gardner doesn’t even have a face in one panel). Herbert’s storytelling is very good, and with a lesser artist the combine tight action sequences could have made this book look like a complete mess. It’s a far departure from Van Sciver’s and even Ardian Syaf’s style, and while that may not bother most readers it bothers me that not even a mini series could keep the art consistent from issue to issue.
Since this is the finale, and Rebirth titles announced months ago it’s hard to believe that any key members of the Corps would be left behind and Tom Taylor pretty much lives up to that particular notion. I did enjoy the fact that Taylor gave brief bios on the Lanterns who died in the battle, but since this was their only mention in this story it’s hard to feel an emotional connection to cannon fodder, even worse when their deaths are only used to help Simon Baz realize that their universe is just on the other side of the spacial rift. Taylor wrote an explosive finale that was fun to read from start to finish, this was the issue that didn’t need substance, rather it would have benefited more if there had been more emotional moments with other lanterns throughout the series.
Continuing the praise of the action scenes for this issue, I appreciate that Taylor help mold the final sequence to showcase what makes the Green Lantern unique from a visual standpoint, even better that Jack Herbert was able to bring it to life with the Lanterns rescuing the city from the dying universe. Since we’re on the note of endings, lets talk about not having a clue on what exactly happened to GLC. On the one hand that could have been seen as a lazy approach to let the readers decide what exactly happened to the Corps. Instead of seeing the ending as a wash, I look it as Taylor wanting to have a six chapter GLC story that can sit on the shelf. A story that can be started and finished without reading anything else, an evergreen title if you will.
I’m not the biggest fan of Edge of Oblivion and I doubt I’ll revisit as the years go by but it had it’s moment of amazing action and great character moments from Guy Gardner. If the Van Sciver or even Ardian Syaf remained on the team for six issues this would have a better looking book. The inconsistency of the art is sadly the worst aspect for this mini series.
Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #6 earns a 3/5