
REVIEW: Earth 2 Worlds End #1


The time has finally arrived, the debut of yet another weekly book from DC comics this time focusing on Earth 2 and their troubles. Now that the book has been expanded 100 pages per month (do the math) this could be a great way to fully develop the cornucopia of characters for this Earth. Plus it seems that two lost souls have may their way home and how does their return affect the heroes of Earth 2? Plus Terry Sloan and Bedlam are still out there, so let’s not waste any time and pages and let’s watch the World End.

Holy recap Batman is what I have to say about the start for the issue, which given that this going to be a major book for DC and they expect that new readers might want to check out what Earth 2 is all about without having read the previous works, it makes sense for a recap. A good half of the book is dedicated to catching readers up, it does help that this opening issue is double sized. One might groan at the fact that half of the book is a recap but in a way it’s not a recap.

In fact the writing team actually show a time before Darkseid invaded, It was a nice glimpse of peace for these people, albeit it was  only a glimpse as the rest of the recap actually does reshow the events of Earth 2 #1. It had some nice character moments between Kara and Helena Wayne and their respective families. The two other big factors is that it appears that Alan’s boyfriend released information right before he was killed, plus this pretty much sets in stone that Terry Sloan is one cold SOB.

Once the actual plot starts to begin it still carries that wonderful Earth 2 feel of the heroes being a bit overwhelmed by the recovery process and the pursuit of Bedlam. Plus the political side with the World Army is still in play so fans of that particular storyline will be satisfied to see that continue here. Heck even Dr.Fate actually gets some screen time with Hawkgirl. The point is with the expansion of this book to 5 times a week should allow for deep storylines and more character moments. This is the expectation and only time will tell if this writing team could execute.

The issue ends with Bedlam creating a channel of communication between him and Apokolips, and the debut of a K’Li a Fury of Apokolips. The other new character I skimmed over was Dick Grayson and his Earth 2 debut. It doesn’t appear that he’s was or is connected to Batman or any hero, same with his wife Barbara (rejoice Dick and Barbara fans!). It’ll be interesting to see

Now the art is the biggest problem for the issue, in that with this being an oversized book means more artist and inkers to get the issue out on time. Some panels are rough to look at while others look fine, but that’s the monster when dealing with a weekly series. Other than a solid art job for the first issue.

Earth 2: Worlds End #1 earns a 4/5

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