
DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration Features New Green Lantern Tai Pham Story

DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration, is an incredible anthology spotlighting DC’s past, present and even future Asian super heroes, featuring some of the most dynamic Asian storytellers in and out of comics. Featuring an incredible cover by the team of DC Publisher and Chief Creative Officer Jim Lee, and colorist Alex Sinclair, this anthology includes a foreword by activist and CNN and WSJ Online contributor Jeff Yang, a selection of tribute pinups of DC’s Asian super heroes, plus an awesome variant cover featuring Cassandra Cain by artist Stanley “Artgerm” Lau. 

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“Green Lanterns: Underworld on Fire” Potentially Coming Soon via DC Comics Twitter Fan Vote

Social Media Platforms can be the most evil of tools when used by people of ill intent, Twitter being chief among them. However today, we Green Lantern fans have a chance to make it just a tad bit more pleasant, by voting of all things. You want Kyle Rayner? You want Kilowog? Of course you do. All you have to do is VOTE. Like right now! Something like late AF March Madness!

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Comic-Con Announces Fall Dates for In-Person Attendance

The following is a partial statement from Comic-Con International:

It is the policy of the organization to continue to closely monitor information from local and national healthcare officials as it pertains to the COVID-19 pandemic. Never could we have imagined what the world experienced in 2020 and continues to experience today. While we are buoyed by the rollout of the vaccine and the growing number of individuals being inoculated, it appears that July will still be too early to safely hold an in-person event of the magnitude of Comic-Con. For this reason, we have made the challenging decision to postpone Comic-Con 2021 as an in-person gathering until our 2022 dates, and once again hold this year’s celebration as the free online Comic-Con@Home. Unfortunately, the challenges of this past year and the multiple postponements of our two largest events have left us with limited financial resources, so this year the online experience will be reduced to a three-day event, spanning July 23-25, 2021.

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DC Proudly Announces ‘DC Pride’ Anthology Comic to arrive June 8 and ‘Crush & Lobo’ Comic Book Miniseries Launching on June 1

DC today announced DC Pride, an 80-page anthology comic featuring LGBTQIA+ characters from across the DC Universe, and Crush & Lobo, a new eight-issue miniseries written by Mariko Tamaki (This One Summer, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass) with art by Amancay Nahuelpan (Nightwing, Wonder Woman). Crush & Lobo will launch on June 1 and DC Pride will publish on June 8. DC will also publish a series of nine Pride themed variant covers in June, showcasing DC’s top characters as realized by the comic book industry’s leading artists.

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Top 3 Gambling Movies on Netflix

I wish I could whip up program code for aggregate movie views across all platforms to see which movies about gambling got the most views in 2020. Learn how to gamble successfully gaining casino experience and knowledge.

But alas, I’m not a programmer and there doesn’t seem to be such an esoteric code available on the fly for people like me. But that’s ok. I originally set out to figure out the top three in general for the year, but we’ll just check Netflix reports, and then I’ll mention what I think are the top three all-time as well.

The Top 10 most-watched Netflix Originals are all non-betting related. Extraction leads the way with 99 million views, followed by Birdbox at 89 million. Then we have shows like Lupin with 70 million viewers and Cobra Kai Season 3 with 41 million.

Upon digging and digging for specific view stats, I came up with absolutely nothing on movies outside the top Netflix views all-time, which didn’t include any gambling movies. That said, I think that it’s safe to say that Uncut Gems is most likely the highest viewed movie about gambling on Netflix in 2020 – and no, the stats for this one were not listed either.

So, although I doubt it’s anywhere near the all-time most viewed on Netflix, as movies like Casino are a part of Netflix’s expansive content list, we’ll just drop it here at No. 1 for 2020.

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DC Celebrates the Legacy of Green Lantern John Stewart with a Commemorative Hardcover Collection with Cover from Superstar Artist Jim Lee!

From characters such as Cyborg, Nubia, Bumblebee, Mister Miracle Shilo Norman, Vixen, Steel and Black Lightning, to Milestone characters such as Static, Icon & Rocket and Hardware, to new heroes such as Tim Fox, The Next Batman and Naomi, DC boasts a proud tradition of Black Super Heroes populating its colorful universe.

But as DC’s first Black Super Hero, and since his first appearance on the cover and in the pages of Green Lantern #87 on October 28, 1971, John Stewart has worn the ring of the Green Lantern Corps with honor, dignity, and unparalleled courage. On June 22, 2021, DC recognizes this trailblazer with a hardcover collection of his greatest adventures!

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“The Hal & Kyle Show” Episode 34

Now online! While the final attack on Apokolips is planned, Guy Gardner has an altercation with Sinestro on Earth.

This is the 2nd to last episode. The next episode will be the finale.

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