
REVIEW: Green Lanterns #53




When you’ve read as many comics as I have, you tend to start noticing patterns. Certain arc don’t feel like they matter in the grand scheme of things, Which is completely fine, after all if every single arc had cosmic shattering consequences they would ultimately lose their significance. Still as comic readers we desire some sort of hook to keep us invested if even the stakes aren’t on a grand scale. Perhaps that happens in this issue? Warning the following review will contain spoilers, so remember to read your comic before continuing on. You have been warned.

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REVIEW: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #50




The time has come, the epic series finale that we’ve all been waiting for. A final showdown between two warring factions, both who have their own ways of enforcing peace. Will this issue nail the landing? Warning the following review will contain spoilers, so please read your comic before reading this review. Trust me you don’t want this one spoiled for you. You have been warned.

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REVIEW: Green Lanterns #52




Epic space battles, a cosmic horror inside the central power batter, while a giant armada rains destruction upon a defenseless planet. Sounds like a normal day for the Corps. Warning the following review will contain spoilers, so remember to read your comic before going reading further. You have been warned.

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REVIEW: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #49




The tension is ever growing. The final battle between the Swords of Justice aka The Darkstars and The Shields of Justice aka The Green Lantern Corps is coming to ahead. A fight that started when a  once proud Green Lantern fell to the darkside. Strange bedfellows rally together to prevent the ultimate form of Justice from taking place! Warning the following review will contain spoilers! So remember to read your comic before. You have been warned.

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REVIEW: Green Lanterns #51




It was murder I tell you, murder. Whether you like it or not, Green Lanterns has been given a dramatic shift in direction. I could go on and complain about it some more, but at this juncture it would be disrespectful to both Dan Jurgens and Mike Perkins. It’s not their fault, they were given a series to work with and I’m profoundly positive they want to produce the best Green Lantern story they can. Warning the following review will contain spoilers, so remember to read your comic before reading this review. You have been warned.

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REVIEW: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #48


DARKSTARS! GREEN LANTERNS! INSIDE A FIFTEEN FOOTHIGH STEEL CAGE!!! Okay that last sentence isn’t true, but after several issues of buildup and soul searching the two factions must clash! So strap yourselves in, and get ready for a slobberknocker. Warning the following review will contain spoilers, so be sure to read your comic before reading this review! You have been warned.

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REVIEW: Green Lanterns #50




Here it is peeps! Green Lanterns has officially hit the big 50, and boy do I have thoughts about this issue. Warning the following review will contain spoilers. So if you don’t want the wedding of Batman and Catwoman spoiled, then I would suggest to not read the New York Times. For real though, the following review will contain spoilers. So remember to read your comic before reading this review! You have been warned.

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REVIEW: Green Lanterns #49




I tried to think of something deep to put into this introduction, but honestly I have zilch. What honestly shocked me as I opened my copy of Green Lanterns #49 was that Tim Seeley did not write this issue at all. At first I thought it was a error, but much to my surprise this issue had a completely different creative team. I’m not sure exactly why Seeley didn’t write the second part of this arc. This should a interesting read. Warning the following review will contain spoilers. You have been warned.

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REVIEW: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #46




Temptation is a constant in human history. Whether it’s the story of Jesus or that time your weird neighbor told you that he almost signed into a timeshare. Even in the world of superheroes, temptation lingers. Even though superheroes are meant to be ideal versions of ourselves, but even our ideal versions contain dark secrets. Warning the following review will contain spoilers, so be sure to read your comic before continuing on. You have been warned.

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