
REVIEW: Heroes In Crisis #6



We’ve finally arrived, the final act of Heroes In Crisis. Controversy has surrounded this series since issue one, and despite my praise for the storytelling craft that both Tom King and Clay Mann (along with Mitch Gerad’s). I find myself barely hanging on to the crux of the story, or perhaps I’m missing the point entirely. There are aspects to Heroes In Crisis that I enjoy, and I can only hope that this series will lead to something huge as we reach the conclusion. Warning the following review will contain spoilers. You have been warned.

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REVIEW: Heroes In Crisis #5




Here we are ladies and gentlemen, the official halfway point of this very controversial series. While I’ve praised the craft that both Tom King and Clay Mann have put forth, at this current juncture I’m left mixed on the series overall. I can see the story that King wants to convey with the most iconic characters in all of comics, but the cracks in the armor are starting to show just a tad. Perhaps this issue begins to turn the series around for me? Warning the following review will contain spoilers, so remember to read your comic before reading this review. You have been warned.

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REVIEW: Heroes In Crisis #4


Twas the day after Christmas, and the DCU was stirring. Because when I think of the holidays, I want to dive deep into the trauma’s of my favorite heroes. Now that we know the identity of who attacked and committed the murders at Sanctuary, Heroes In Crisis is a interesting state. While I’ve had problems with certain narrative choices that Tom King has made, it can be argued of how compelling he’s making this story. So put away your Christmas gifts, it’s time to stuff your stocking with some good ole tragedy. The’re will be spoilers, you’ve been warned.

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REVIEW: Heroes In Crisis #3



The controversial series continues on. I honestly can’t remember the last time a book published by DC comics has drawn this much heat. While still enjoying the story that both King and Mann are attempting to tell, to say it’s been without flaws would be a bit of a understatement. After all nothing is perfect. What’s the most interesting aspect is that this one of the two “extra” issues will bring to the overall narrative for Heroes In Crisis. Warning the review will contain spoilers, so read your comic before reading this review. You have been warned.

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REVIEW: Heroes In Crisis #2




I can’t remember the last time a debut series opened up with such controversy. Even though I might agree with how certain aspects of Heroes In Crisis played out I can’t deny that I want to see how the series will play out. Perhaps my emotional investment with this story is amplified by my personal long term investment with these characters, rather than what’s being said withing the actual pages of the comic book. So let’s see where Tom King and Clay Mann take us this time. Warning they’re will be spoilers going forward. You have been warned.

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REVIEW: Heroes In Crisis #1



Ever read a story where your not sure if you should have expectations? You might be familiar with the creative team, you might have even enjoyed their work in the past. Then you hear the premise of their new comic and you’re not sure what to think. Before reading Heroes In Crisis number one, that was my thought process. I’m sure that this series will be heart wrenching in a multitude of ways, but I do enjoy not knowing exactly what I’m getting into it’s exciting. Warning the following review will have spoilers so if you don’t want to be spoiled, read your comic before continuing on. You have been warned.

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