
REVIEW: Green Lanterns #47



Acceptance is a difficult pill to swallow. I’m convinced that we as humans will deny aspects ourselves for years, until we reach a critical juncture in our lives that forces us to examine from within. We’ll come up with excuses before confronting our own personal issues. Even the mightiest of superheroes have fallen victim to this oh so human response, even those of the lantern variety. Warning the following review will contain spoilers. So remember to read your copy before reading on. You have been warned.

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REVIEW: Green Lanterns #46

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Prepare to enter a dark place, a place that only the downtrodden dare venture. Do you want to know where that place is? The answer may surprise you. The answer is your mind. No matter how mentally okay you think you are, deep down there’s something in your head that will ruin your perception of reality therefore messing up your day. Thankfully our own personal demons don’t manifest themselves into our physical dimension. That would be crazy! Warning the following review will contain spoilers. So remember to read you comic before continuing on. You have been warned.
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REVIEW: Green Lanterns #43


Man don’t you hate it when you fly to a deep corner of space to rescue a woman you dated a few times, only to be stopped a intergalactic cult bent on trafficking superheroes? No? Well it’s not like I can relate either, but just typing that sentence out just made me laugh. Plus it has made me realize how much fun Tim Seeley must be having writing this series. Warning the following will contain spoilers for the issue, so be sure to read your comic prior to reading this issue. You have been warned.
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REVIEW: Green Lanterns #42


You know what’s an extremely touchy subject? The number one answer is politics of course, however right after that is any discussion pertaining to religion. When it comes to the world of superhero comics, religious themes have certainly played their roles over the course of 80 years of storytelling. It goes to show that you can have a civil discussion on what religion brings without wanting to wage war over a few words. Warning the following review will contain spoilers, so be sure to read your comic prior to reading this review. You have been warned.
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REVIEW: Green Lanterns #41



Can you feel it? Love is in the air, look I know that Valentines Day was last week work with me okay. I’m going to be a completely honest I’m a hypocrite. During Sam Humphries run I stated that I didn’t want to see Simon and Jessica become a couple because that would push the book into a direction I wouldn’t be a fan of. However as this arc has gone forward Tim Seeley is slowly but surely making change my mind. Warning the following review will contain spoilers. So remember to read your comics before reading this review. You have been warned.
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REVIEW: Green Lanterns #40


LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX BABY! LET’S TALK ABOUT YOU AND ME! Okay I’ll stop before Salt-N-Pepa sue us, this is a topic that does come up once in a while when discussing superheroes. It’s a subject that DC can’t write about in detail. Talented writers can skewer around the messier details and make our heroes deal with a huge facet of our daily lives. Warning this review will contain spoilers. Be sure to read your comic before reading this review. You have been warned.
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REVIEW: Green Lanterns #39


Manipulation is the bane of humanity. Most of us will flow through life meeting a variety of people and most of them either become great acquaintances or dear friends. However once in a while we run into people who appear to have the best of intentions. It’s the small details you notice, first they ask you do something your uncomfortable with and eventually that snowballs until you it’s to late to realize what happened. The following review contains spoilers, so be sure to read your comic prior to continue reading. You have been warned.
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REVIEW: Green Lanterns #38


Never thought I’d see the day where a Godfather reference makes it into a Green Lantern comic. Today is that day and oh what a glorious day it is! Walk with me as we follow our sympathetic heroes on their quest to be heroic and see if anymore people get stabbed with glowing swords along the way. Spoilers be damned, we are moving forward!

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