
REVIEW: Green Lantern #31


Can you believe it’s been an entire year since Robert Venditti and crew took? I know I can’t, it feels just like yesterday. For only being on the job for one year, Robert sure has tested Hal in a way that I didn’t think was possible. Forcing him to be a leader readers saw Hal mature as a leader and as person. With all that being said, war is at the door steps and The Green Lantern Corps face not simply the Khund, the Durlans, the Outer Clanns, but races who have joined with them. Needless to say that’s one heck of a enemy fleet. So without furtherĀ  adieu, let’s start this uprising!
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #30


For every war there are phases that occur, which can lead to a better understanding of your opponent. That could either be a bad or good thing depending on the situation presented upon the soldiers. They might understand their viewpoints or they might become even more disgusted due to the actions of past battles. This issue is the eye of hurricane for our fellow Lanterns, since we all know the real fireworks start next month. This will be a moment of reflection for our reluctant leader and his opportunity to push the Lanterns to victory against the Khund Empire and the deadly Durlans.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #29


Now that the crossover with Red Lanterns is over, Green Lantern returns to it’s regularly scheduled program. While the war against The Khund/Durlan alliance is underway, the corps itself hasn’t be able to form a plan of attack and strike back in this war. Combine all this with the recent solicitation release of this storyline all coming to end this may, then the corps might want to start the ball rolling itself. So that’s where the question comes into play. What plan does Hal Jordan in his back pocket or does even have a plan at all? Well let’s crack open page one and find out shall we?

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #28

First off before I get this underway, I want to apologize for the lack of a review last week. Comics didn’t come out and life got in the way. So it appears that this week you wonderful readers will receive not one but two reviews! The current theme that appears to be running across Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps is “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” We know that the Durlans and the Khund have formed an alliance andĀ  severed communications for the Corps causing all amounts of chaos, and things possibly couldn’t get any worse for the Corps right? Well we’re wrong because of three word, Red Lantern Supergirl.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #27


2013 has officially passed us by and 2014 is shaping up to be an interesting year for everyone’s favorite Lantern Corps. So now it’s time to dive head first into the new year as the rebuilding phase for the corps is officially underway. However it appears that the Durlans are prepared to make their move against an unsuspecting corps. So as we dive into the first issue of 2014, so the questions that should be asked are, will Hal continue to have growing pains as leader of this scale, and how long will other members of the corps continue to tolerate Hal as a leader? Either way it’s shaping up to be an interesting story. So let’s open page one and find out shall we?

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #26


It looks like policing the emotional spectrum won’t be as easy as Hal Jordan assumes it will be. Considering this is still the same man who still even after several months doesn’t seem right for the job. This however has created an interesting story dynamic going forward with some of fellow Green Lanterns latest stance after the revelation of the emotional reservoir. The question that readers should be asking, is Hal Jordan going to far or not far enough. While he hasn’t entered bad guy territory similar to Tony Stark from the other side of the street in 2006, Hal’s stance has certainly raised eyebrows. Before all those questions can be answered however we have to see how Hal and Kilowog get out of the mess on Dekann.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #25

The ramifications from Lights Out begins here with Green Lantern #25, as now we see The Green Lantern Corps on a new home planet,but now they carry the burden of knowing that their power has a finite power source. It now looks appears that Venditti and Tan have a clear direction on where to go next, and it’s going to be interesting to see where this story arc goes. Hal Jordan now leads a rebuilding corps with dangerous threats still on rise, ring slingers or otherwise. What does Robert Venditti have in store for Hal and the rest of the corps? Well let’s open page one and find out shall we?

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REVIEW: Green Lantern Annual #2


The time has come for the curtain to close, as Lights Out draws to a it’s thrilling conclusion. It’s been an interesting ride for the first Green Lantern event in the post Geoff Johns era. Reactions have been mixed on this crossover, and the last two issues didn’t really help in progressing the momentum in a story that started with a bang. That being said though, it’s all about how you wrap up a story and nail the landing is what will ultimately define a story arc. So many stories start out with a bang to end on a sour note. Can Robert Venditti and guest artist Sean Chen avoid this easy trap? Well let’s open page one and find out shall we?

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #24

Well fine readers the time has finally come for Green Lantern to enter “event” mode with Lights Out. This is where every fan (even the positive ones) tread weary waters due to how comic events tend to follow. The action starts up at a fast then by halfway through the second act most readers are ready to jump ship. However this event is written by writers who have not had the opportunity to write a story of this scale. Now it’s no secret that the buildup for Lights Out has been a solid one, but now it’s time for Venditti and crew to deliver the goods. First up we have the regular team of Robert Venditti and Billy Tan with the opening salvo. Let’s open up page one to find out what it’s store for The Green Lantern Corps.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #23.4: Sinestro


Now the time has come for DC comics villains month to finally come to a close and for the regularly scheduled program resumes. However before everything returns to normal we have one more Green Lantern villain to shine the spot light on and he is without a doubt the most famous Green Lantern villain of all time. You know him, you love him, he’s everyone’s favorite fallen Green Lantern in Thaal Sinestro!!! Now while Sinestro has been around since the 1950’s, his most prominent time was under the pen of Geoff Johns and you may or may like that but it is a fact. Sinestro became more popular since 2007. Now this is the first time that this reviewer can remember when Sinestro was not written by Geoff. Instead current DC writer and indie writer (Mind MGMT) tackles this iconic villain, along with the amazing Dale Eaglesham on pencils. What is their interpretation of Sinestro like? Well let’s open page on and find out shall we?

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