
REVIEW: Green Lantern #46


Here we are once again at the end of current Black Hand story line. Last issue I marveled at Venditti’s ability to stay true to Black Hand’s recent history, while simultaneously adding his own twisted spin on William Hand. Now that we are six months into this very different iteration of Hal Jordan, I can definitively say that the change of pace has been good for Green Lantern. The book still retains the epic scope, without the typical end of the world scenario in play. So let’s see how Venditti wraps up the first arc of Green Lantern Renegade!
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #45


Before you continue to read this review, think about the concept of death. It’s a force that constantly shrouds on our day to day lives, whether we want to acknowledge it or not. Over the past decade under the care of various writers Black Hand has morphed from joke character to current cosmic threat.  It’s interesting to have a character be enamored with the idea of death, when death in the world of superheroes is just a joke at this point. Regardless it’s clear that Robert Venditti has an endgame for William Hand, now it appears time for the endgame to begin.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern Annual #4


While the other comic company has forgotten the art of the “annual” DC comics since the inception of the New 52 has become a stalwart champion of the annual. While I’ve reviewed two Green Lantern annuals prior to this one, this is the first one that actually isn’t tied down to a crossover. Despite that Venditti has done a fantastic job of establishing Hal’s new status quo, however filling the gap between leader to renegade would be nice for fans who might be curious on how the rest of the corps dealt with Hal’s criminal actions. After all betraying a friend can be the worst pain of all.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #44


HAPPY 75TH GREEN LANTERN!!! While yes we should technically be celebrating Alan Scott by himself, I won’t be a grump this time around but instead we will celebrate the concept of what being a Green Lantern is. It’s hard to believe the original concept of Green Lantern created by Bill Finger and Martin Nodell has lasted seventy five years, while also morphing into various incarnations. Proving that comic characters are malleable and while most fans who will read this know that change isn’t forever it bears repeating sometimes. So instead of complaining about the current state of Hal Jordan’s hair let’s enjoy this off road romp.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #43

Man I have to tell you that sometimes the mythical fifth week can be a real buzzkill for issues, you are looking forward to the following month. It’s been two months since Hal’s rogue status quo and while it’s impossible to judge a new direction so soon, but usually the third issue begins to cement the foreseeable future of a run. Hal Jordan being a “renegade” can be seen as good entry point but as Robert Venditti knows that you need to be able to hook readers for however long your story is. Also in shocking news to Ethan Van Sciver returns!
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #42


The theme of corruption via power has been prevalent since Robert Venditti took over the book over two years ago, this month. While Hal himself has not had to deal with himself in recent memory, he’s not a complete stranger to this very idea. While the aspect of Hal holding a weapon made by a crazed Guardian was largely ignored, it’s something that needs to be addressed sooner or later. Yes the disappearance of the Corps does take priority, but can we at least deal with Hal carrying the Power Glove as a weapon? Oh…Venditti does address it in this issue?….Well I feel foolish.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #41

Convergence is finally over and a new era for the DCU can finally begin. Given that DC has been on a hiatus for the past two months to a number of people it’ll be interesting too see how many people will actually return for this June relaunch. I for one have been looking forward to the new status quo of Hal Jordan. Once a reluctant leader of the proud Green Lantern Corps, now due to circumstances from previous story lines Hal has gone renegade for the good of the GLC. Cue Man On The Run, on the loudspeakers now.

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REVIEW: Convergence: Green Lantern Parallax #1

Grab your filler comics, grab your filler comics so that DC can actually put something out for the next two months! All kidding aside, yes the Convergence is upon us with all of it’s nostalgia riding shotgun. I’m going to put this out there that I was not feeling this “event” when it was initially announced. However after some promotional art was released I was intrigued, and it gave me the hope that the teams behind these two part issues can drum up something entertaining and not formulaic at all.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #40

Put this scenario in your head for just a second. You love your job and everyday you strive to do your best no matter what obstacle comes your way. That’s how a lot of people can feel when doing something they love for a living, but eventually we all hit a wall. Sometimes a person needs a change of pace, whether that’s the best interest for the job of the individual. In the last issue of Green Lantern before Convergence that is where we find Hal Jordan. A man given leadership under a tumultuous time for The Green Lanterns, now faced with his toughest challenge yet.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #39

You know what day of the year that could potentially ruin a day? No it’s shopping with only two days before Valentines Day, from my perspective it’s actually yearly evaluations. To some people yearly evaluations are nothing special and do little to nothing to make you more efficient at your job. more than often it’s a trivial process where both parties just want it done with. So imagine if you had to stand before The Guardians of The Universe who will decide your fate. That doesn’t sound fun in the least and that’s the position in which Hal finds himself. So with only one more issue before Convergence starts, what lies for Hal Jordan?
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