
REVIEW: Earth 2 #28


With the plot of Earth 2 shifting to World’s End it makes a reader ponder. Why should I read the monthly book in addition to the weekly series? How much more could this team of writers and artist expand with the page count tripling in size? However with how expansive main series has become this could be an opportunity to delve further into some minor characters without interrupting the fast paced weekly series. Either way it should be an interesting read regardless, so let’s not waste anymore time and dive into the latest issue of Earth 2.

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REVIEW: Earth 2 Worlds End #2-#4


Now I know what you’re thinking, and nope I didn’t stop reading World’s End after one issue to never come back again. I instead have made the decision to review the weekly book as a complete month. Given the nature of how a weekly comic works, reviewing each individual chapter would honestly burn me out. I apologize if that disappoints people but this is the only way that I could see myself reviewing a weekly comic book. Enough the that nonsense though it’s time to see how the first month of World’s End was handled by this team of writers and artists.
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REVIEW: Earth 2 #27

One might think that with a weekly book dedicated to Earth 2 one might think that this book is a bit a redundant now. Well that’s neither here nor there and it’s all about what’s inside the book that matters. So have ever meet a family member once and then never again? Only for them to show up years later in a odd situation? Well that’s the the theme for this issue of Earth 2, and the nature of what it means to have a family during times of crisis.
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REVIEW: Earth 2 Worlds End #1


The time has finally arrived, the debut of yet another weekly book from DC comics this time focusing on Earth 2 and their troubles. Now that the book has been expanded 100 pages per month (do the math) this could be a great way to fully develop the cornucopia of characters for this Earth. Plus it seems that two lost souls have may their way home and how does their return affect the heroes of Earth 2? Plus Terry Sloan and Bedlam are still out there, so let’s not waste any time and pages and let’s watch the World End.
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REVIEW: Earth 2 Futures End #1



No recap this time, but given the events of the Futures End weekly the Earth 2 heroes have a role to play. With many of them being held on a hidden island by Cadmus. Which could make this pivotal reading for readers who are curious enough to check this out. Even if this issue doesn’t match up with readers expectations of what’s in the book, the most important question should be is it a entertaining story? Given the limited amount of pages it’s not an easy task. So let’s see if this answers any questions on the status of Earth 2.
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REVIEW: Earth 2 #26


Well that was a crazy 25th issue wasn’t it? Taylor continues to raise the stakes higher and higher for the Wonders of Earth 2, leaving only a sliver a hope to remain. This appears to be the conclusion to that really stems back to issue one. One can’t deny that this feels like the closing of a chapter to a gigantic book with an even bigger adventure waiting on the horizon. So what exactly does Taylor have planned for this issue? What magnificent art does Nicola Scott have up her sleeve, with this being her final issue on the series? Grab your popcorn and let’s finish this bad boy!.

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REVIEW: Earth 2 #25


As the march of war continues on for the Earth 2 residents, the road too Earth 2: Worlds End looms ever closer. The feeling of this book has the feeling of a blockbuster spectacle, minus the Michael Bay silliness. It’s definitely not the same book when it launched two years ago, but rather it feels more of a natural next step for the characters involved.What started with James Robinson, Tom Taylor has handled the passing of the torch with flying colors. Which leads to the 25th issue of this series, and just when you think this cracked mirror of a universe can’t get any worse, Taylor and Scott find a way.
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REVIEW: Earth 2 #24


Nuclear explosion cliffhanger, I’m not sure that you can possibly top that but last time I checked the book hasn’t been cancelled so that means the heroes are still alive in some horrific fashion.With the sheer amount of death and punishment being bombarded on this book, the question needs to be asked. Can this bleak world become even bleaker? What else can the deadly combo of Tom Taylor and Nicola Scott possibly cook up in their minds to twist the arms of our heroes? Will there be some some ray of light? The answers to those questions are yes….and no. Let’s dive in and find out together.
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REVIEW: Earth 2 #23



Look at yourself for a few minutes. Go ahead, this review will still be here. Are you done? Do you see how much you’ve changed for good or ill? Do you feel different or act differently? What if you became something that you despised? Now take the scenario and place Superman and Lois Lane. The most iconic relationship in all of comics and pull them away from apart. Now twist both of their images, making them virtually unrecognizable to each other. What happens when the two meet after Lois’s apparent death, five years prior? Well let’s jump right into this roller coaster that is Earth 2.
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REVIEW: Earth 2 #22


As we left off last issue, things are not doing so well for the resistance. Which all leads to this single point, how can one defeat The Man of Steel. We’ve seen what an evil Superman is capable, so this story should pretty much be pointless right? Well that’s where you’re wrong fellow reader. Typically an evil Superman has to potential of being steered into a rut if it’s an ongoing basis, but somehow (most likely due to Tom working on Injustice God of Among Us), he has given a somewhat hope to potentially stopping Superman. Do you believe in the Power of Love?

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