
REVIEW: Green Lantern Corps #35


You know the players and you know the game, now it’s time to dive just a bit further into Godhead. The biggest issue with Godhead so far is that of the power scale. For the first time in quite a while the New Gods were actually treated like Gods, which is great but from a story perspective it could write this crossover into a hole. For now it appears that this will be a slow burn with bursts of action for each issue. Let’s see if the momentum continues with this issue of Green Lantern Corps.

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REVIEW: Earth 2 Worlds End #1


The time has finally arrived, the debut of yet another weekly book from DC comics this time focusing on Earth 2 and their troubles. Now that the book has been expanded 100 pages per month (do the math) this could be a great way to fully develop the cornucopia of characters for this Earth. Plus it seems that two lost souls have may their way home and how does their return affect the heroes of Earth 2? Plus Terry Sloan and Bedlam are still out there, so let’s not waste any time and pages and let’s watch the World End.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #35



What an opening for Godhead right? If that previous chapter was any indication, then the Green Lanterns are outclassed in every single way. In a way this paints the story into a bit of a corner, but it also can make the reader wonder how exactly this “war” will play out. When you factor in the drastic choices Hal has had to make, what is going to have to do with an enemy like the New Gods? Let’s not waste any light with part 2 right of Godhead.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern/New Gods Godhead #1


Jack “King” Kirby, a name synonymous with super hero comics greatest icons. Namely from the Marvelous side of things, but as many know he did create magic for DC, the most famous being the New Gods. The New Gods are a peculiar bunch, with many recognizing the figures but few understanding their actual origins. They have there share of the spotlight, namely from Grant Morrison and Jim Starlin in recent memory but this the first real use of the New Gods in the New 52. It’s the start of a long three month crossover so let’s buckle in and start the show already.
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REVIEW: The Multiversity Society of Super-Heroes


Morrison is back again and this time with an all new Earth to explore, filled with wonders and mysteries. Lucky for this site, a Green Lantern actually appears in this issue so kudos to Morrison there. After the zany epic that was the opening salvo, one must wonder what will come out next Especially since the golden rule with a Grant Morrison story is to expect the unexpected. What awaits readers as they follow the brief adventures of Doc Fate and the SOS? Enough of the chit chat it’s time to break down this story!
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REVIEW: Green Lantern New Guardians Futures End #1


For this reviewer this is the last Futures End tie-in thus ending DC’s latest gimmick month. Now the spotlight shifts to resident White Lantern, Kyle Rayner. Both Hal and John have gone to the extreme in either actions or personality. Heroes who have been raked through the mud with no other option but to become something they don’t recognize. So when you factor in Kyle’s recent trip into the Source Wall, it’ll be interesting to see what Kyle’s status in Futures End.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern Corps Futures End #1

One Futures End tie-in down, with another one right on it’s heel. With the focus centered on John this time around, it’ll be interesting to see what may happen to him five years from now, considering his recent traumatic break up with Fatality. Has John changed as a person? What other mixtures could cause John to veer to the Indigo Tribe? Which is even more dubious when you factor in how the Indigo Tribe “recruits” their members. Let’s see if Van Jensen can continue this magic train into the distant future!
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REVIEW: Earth 2 Futures End #1



No recap this time, but given the events of the Futures End weekly the Earth 2 heroes have a role to play. With many of them being held on a hidden island by Cadmus. Which could make this pivotal reading for readers who are curious enough to check this out. Even if this issue doesn’t match up with readers expectations of what’s in the book, the most important question should be is it a entertaining story? Given the limited amount of pages it’s not an easy task. So let’s see if this answers any questions on the status of Earth 2.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern Futures End #1


It’s that time again for the DC line to be taken over by the latest gimmick. This year it happens to center around the weekly series Futures End, which started back in May. The main series itself paints a gruesome end to the DCU, but with the spine of Futures End focusing on side characters, it only makes sense for some of these one shots to paint a larger picture. So why hasn’t Hal been featured at all, while other members of the Justice League have? What is Hal Jordan’s ultimate fate five years later. Let’s crack this open and find out.
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REVIEW: The Multiversity #1

Oh boy here we go indeed. I know this isn’t a regular Green Lantern comic, but this is something special. Green Lanterns will be in it, and the best part it’s the Green Lantern of the Multiverse! I will go ahead and put this out there that I am a huge fan of Grant Morrison. I have read and enjoyed most of his work over the years so some might see these reviews as biased. These reviews will be done with an honest opinion, even I don’t always enjoy what Morrison does in superhero comics. So with that being said, let’s get meta physical!
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