
REVIEW: The Omega Men #1


Have you ever been in a situation where you read something and were left confused, yet your peers around you sing it’s praises? Chances are you have at some point and you would reread the issue to see what you’re missing out on? Well as much as I was excited going into Omega Men (simply because Kyle was mentioned) after seeing the praise this book was receiving online. Which is why this review is later than I had originally promised. So that only leaves us with one question. Did I see the magic that the majority seems to see? Or do I veer from the majority?
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #41

Convergence is finally over and a new era for the DCU can finally begin. Given that DC has been on a hiatus for the past two months to a number of people it’ll be interesting too see how many people will actually return for this June relaunch. I for one have been looking forward to the new status quo of Hal Jordan. Once a reluctant leader of the proud Green Lantern Corps, now due to circumstances from previous story lines Hal has gone renegade for the good of the GLC. Cue Man On The Run, on the loudspeakers now.

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REVIEW: Justice League #41


Along with a brand new DCU means more books have been added to this review list, and since Johns teased Hal’s full return two issues ago it only seems fitting to add Justice League now. Now I’ve been reading Justice League since November of last year and I would have reviewed the series early except that the current slate of books were draining me, but now that isn’t the case. So strap yourselves in because it’s time for a blockbuster done in comic book form. Ladies and Gentlemen, prepare for the Darkside War.

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Review: Convergence Green Lantern Corps #1

First off I want to apologize for how late this review is, with out going into details my life became hectic, and it was difficult to try and sit down write about a review on a comic that I little to no interest in. Thankfully that time has passed and it’s time to dive back into Convergence one more time! Obviously I didn’t have kinds for the last Green Lantern Convergence title. so now that Corps finally hits the shelves, will it fall under the same web as Parallax did or will it actually be a worth wile read?
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REVIEW: The Multiversity #2

Oh look at that, another finale for a beloved series is now in my finger tips. It’s been no secret that my love for Grant Morrison and his exploration into not only the DC multiverse but the idea of what the superhero means in a larger context. Even though the journey has been a bit muddled, one can’t deny the level of quality that has been put into each individual issue of Muliversity, even the guidebook was amazing. With that being said it’s time to see if Grant sticks the landing.
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REVIEW: Convergence: Green Lantern Parallax #1

Grab your filler comics, grab your filler comics so that DC can actually put something out for the next two months! All kidding aside, yes the Convergence is upon us with all of it’s nostalgia riding shotgun. I’m going to put this out there that I was not feeling this “event” when it was initially announced. However after some promotional art was released I was intrigued, and it gave me the hope that the teams behind these two part issues can drum up something entertaining and not formulaic at all.
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REVIEW: World’s End #22-26

Worlds will live and worlds will die, and for Earth 2 the end is nigh. After twenty six weeks of the watching a world burn, there is only one question that needs to be asked. Was this series worth the time and effort and should you read it if you were a fan of Earth 2? If you’ve read my previous reviews you know my stance of this series but as with anything the finale can make or break the story presented. You can have an undefeated season, then lose in the Super Bowl thus making your season a failure in the eyes of fans. Is that the case for World’s End?
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REVIEW: The Multiversity Ultra Comics


STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING RIGHT NOW! IF YOU CONTINUE TO READ THIS REVIEW THE ENTIRE WORLD WILL BE DESTROYED! I’m only joking of course….or am I? Since the birth of comics in the olden days there has always been a connection between our prime universe and whatever comic universe that an individual reader could be reading at any time. It’s a relationship unlike any other form of media that can’t be replicated regardless of the attempt. So the question is, what happens when the two universes begin to merge?
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REVIEW: Green Lantern New Guardians #40


Here we are once again with another farewell before DC begins the Convergence. If you’re reading this (thanks by the way) then chances are you’re surrounded by a group of people who love you and will support you in the darkest of times. However some of us can be stubborn and will attempt to bear the burden alone, which leads us to forget why we have friends to begin with. That isolating feeling becomes more welcoming over time despite it’s false promise of peace. Our own inner demons are the greatest enemies any of us will face.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #40

Put this scenario in your head for just a second. You love your job and everyday you strive to do your best no matter what obstacle comes your way. That’s how a lot of people can feel when doing something they love for a living, but eventually we all hit a wall. Sometimes a person needs a change of pace, whether that’s the best interest for the job of the individual. In the last issue of Green Lantern before Convergence that is where we find Hal Jordan. A man given leadership under a tumultuous time for The Green Lanterns, now faced with his toughest challenge yet.
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