
REVIEW: Earth 2 Society #3

It’s officially been over three years since Earth 2 was originally launched, with that truncated time frame the heroes of Earth 2 have “seen some shit.” A good chunk of those adventures have been reviewed here, but after finishing this issue4 one though popped in my mind. Ever since World’s End began the characters have been moving nonstop, which hasn’t allowed to come to terms with their recent horrific past., Which in true to life form does fit and makes their character arcs more interesting. However as we all know sometimes when the past isn’t dealt with properly it can lead to lingering problems.

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REVIEW: The Omega Men #3


Here we are once again to examine the space drama following the terrorist group known as the Omega Men. If you’ve read my previous reviews then you know my stance on the short life span of the series. Honestly I’m surprised that I even bothered to read this issue when you factor how unsatisfied I was due to storytelling choices made by the author. Yet despite that I felt compelled to give The Omega Men another chance before ultimately dropping this book from the review pile. So did The Omega Men manage to convince me to stick around or is the final review of the series?

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #43

Man I have to tell you that sometimes the mythical fifth week can be a real buzzkill for issues, you are looking forward to the following month. It’s been two months since Hal’s rogue status quo and while it’s impossible to judge a new direction so soon, but usually the third issue begins to cement the foreseeable future of a run. Hal Jordan being a “renegade” can be seen as good entry point but as Robert Venditti knows that you need to be able to hook readers for however long your story is. Also in shocking news to Ethan Van Sciver returns!
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REVIEW: Justice League #42


With everyone running along side that Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice hype train, it seems only fitting to continue dissecting the latest chapter of The Darkside War. It’s no secret that Geoff Johns can deliver a spectacle that can only be done within the medium of comics, and while John’s has his critics (boy does he have his critics) one can’t deny his love for the DCU and his ability to get to the core of what makes these group of characters great. Not all agree with that opinion and that’s okay, so without further adieu let’s see if Johns and Fabok can keep the momentum going with JL 42.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern Lost Army #2

Now that this new DCU has officially taken hold it’s been interesting to see how diverse the two main lantern titles are now. It’s also has to lead to confusion amongst the fans on where everything lines up continuity wise. I’ve never been the biggest stickler for continuity nonsense, however I do see their perspective. It’s clear that GL and Lost Army are connected in some fashion, but the obvious question is how? No one should be expecting immediate answers, that’s why we read the books on a monthly basis to begin with. It’ll all sort itself out before this
respective run is over.
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REVIEW: Earth 2 Society #2




BATMAN! You like Batman right? To give context for those who didn’t read my review on the first issue of Earth 2 Society, the focus on Batman and almost zero focus on the large cast of characters rubbed me the wrong way. However I acknowledge that was only issue one and the other characters would most likely have their time to shine. The promise of a cool revision of an older villain along with a new world to explore still has me excited for what’s to come down the road. Oh and Alan Scott does in fact show up….GL connection after all…
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #42


The theme of corruption via power has been prevalent since Robert Venditti took over the book over two years ago, this month. While Hal himself has not had to deal with himself in recent memory, he’s not a complete stranger to this very idea. While the aspect of Hal holding a weapon made by a crazed Guardian was largely ignored, it’s something that needs to be addressed sooner or later. Yes the disappearance of the Corps does take priority, but can we at least deal with Hal carrying the Power Glove as a weapon? Oh…Venditti does address it in this issue?….Well I feel foolish.

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REVIEW: The Omega Men #2


One month ago it seems that the majority of people who read The Omega Men #1 loved the issue, with me being one of the detractors. I’m going to be honest, I was prepared to just drop the series after the first issue. After pondering for a while the fate of Kyle Rayner and the hopes that we’ll get some answers on who these characters are and maybe a hint as to why Kyle was killed in the first place. So did Omega Men #2 address the problems I had with the first issue? Let’s see shall we.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern: Lost Army #1

It’s no secret that the recent volume of Green Lantern Corps was my personal favorite out of the three main Lantern titles. However just like Rome, nothing can last forever as Sinestro scribe Cullen Bunn takes the reigns. I’ve read his past stuff before and while I’m not his biggest fan the quality of his work speaks for itself. Now we are aware that something has happened to the Corps, but that’s the alluring mystery that can bring a reader to a new #1. It’s what brought me here in the first place (well that and I’m required to review it so….)

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REVIEW: Earth 2 Society #1


IT’S A NEW DAY (no not that shitty WWE stable) but a new day for heroes and people of Earth 2. No matter how remarkable or disparaging a comic book event is, the fallout from said event. A new status quo that can push the book into a bold new direction. Most of the time I follow that big event and I’ll have and understanding on where the book is going post event. Due to me not reading Convergence it’s going to be interesting to see how much of Society is recap and how much is just running with the concept.

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