
REVIEW: The Omega Men #5


I had this entire paragraph written out how unfortunate it was to hear about the cancellation of The Omega Men. I had a written rant in which I would proclaim that DC was to quick to pull the rug from underneath The Omega Men. However it appears that fans of this book have returned and in larger numbers to proclaim their love for this series. Granted the first couple of issues didn’t set well with me in fleshing out the cast of characters, I can’t deny the craft that goes into one issue of The Omega Men. So thank you Dan Didio and Jim Lee for letting this series see a proper conclusion.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #45


Before you continue to read this review, think about the concept of death. It’s a force that constantly shrouds on our day to day lives, whether we want to acknowledge it or not. Over the past decade under the care of various writers Black Hand has morphed from joke character to current cosmic threat.  It’s interesting to have a character be enamored with the idea of death, when death in the world of superheroes is just a joke at this point. Regardless it’s clear that Robert Venditti has an endgame for William Hand, now it appears time for the endgame to begin.
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REVIEW: Justice League #44


Despite that summer is officially over, Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok continue to deliver a summer block buster that could put Batman V. Superman to shame. Now of course that’s not fair to either property given the different media and what can and can’t be done, but both Johns and Fabok prove why a book like Justice League should be at the top of superhero fans reading lists each and every month. Darkseid War has been so successful that individual one shots have been commission by DC about Darksied War. So let’s how impressive they were for this issue.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern Annual #4


While the other comic company has forgotten the art of the “annual” DC comics since the inception of the New 52 has become a stalwart champion of the annual. While I’ve reviewed two Green Lantern annuals prior to this one, this is the first one that actually isn’t tied down to a crossover. Despite that Venditti has done a fantastic job of establishing Hal’s new status quo, however filling the gap between leader to renegade would be nice for fans who might be curious on how the rest of the corps dealt with Hal’s criminal actions. After all betraying a friend can be the worst pain of all.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern Lost Army #4

It’s been a depressing week for fans of certain DC comics as the axe came down hard. One of them being Lost Army which will end in exactly two issues, I haven’t exactly been the biggest fan of Lost Army like some others but I won’t deny that Cullen Bunn has laid down an intriguing foundation for a refreshing spin for the Green Lantern Corps to operate in. I honestly didn’t expect to write that the end is nigh for our heroes who happen to be stranded in another part of time and space. With only three issues remaining let’s see if Bunn can wrap up this short lived series in some fashion.

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REVIEW: Earth 2 Society #4


Romances in comics over the last decade have been the subject of controversy for many of fans. We now live in an era where DC has split the silver age couples into the singles bracket. Now while Val-Zod and Kara Zor El have only been around as a couple for less than a year now, but as know they are longer in a relationship. Relationships are the trickiest aspects to a humans life, it’s a delicate thread that can sadly be cut into pieces. Now it seems that Daniel H. Wilson finally spills the kryptonian beans on the split between Kara and Val.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #44


HAPPY 75TH GREEN LANTERN!!! While yes we should technically be celebrating Alan Scott by himself, I won’t be a grump this time around but instead we will celebrate the concept of what being a Green Lantern is. It’s hard to believe the original concept of Green Lantern created by Bill Finger and Martin Nodell has lasted seventy five years, while also morphing into various incarnations. Proving that comic characters are malleable and while most fans who will read this know that change isn’t forever it bears repeating sometimes. So instead of complaining about the current state of Hal Jordan’s hair let’s enjoy this off road romp.

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REVIEW: The Omega Men #4


Can you actually believed that I enjoyed an issue of The Omega Men last time? Now that all the pieces are fully in place for Tom King to progress the story forward, with one exception. That exception being Kyle Rayner and his role in the grander scheme of things with the spectrum of being a Green Lantern. For over twenty years Kyle has gone from reluctant artist to Godhood, with different incarnations in between. Johns morphed Kyle into this “chosen” one type character which then was dropped until Justin Jordan took over New Guardians. Be prepared Kyle fans, this issue is the deconstruction of Kyle Rayner.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern Lost Army #3


Have you ever hated someone in your life? Chances are you have, and while the circumstances of a persons rage towards another human being differ, that emotional wave is something we are all familiar with. That memory can stay with a person for quite a while, depending on the person. However what if you could meet said person under different circumstances? Would you stay the course and allow rage and mistrust to guide you or will you attempt to change that predetermined fate? That’s where John Stewart face themselves with the one who destroyed Oa (no not Parallax Hal Jordan).
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REVIEW: Justice League #43

Sadly the summer is almost over which means kids will be returning to school and Hollywood blockbuster become dormant until the following year. Thankfully the same can’t be said for the world of superhero comics where huge blockbuster type events could run all year along (or unless your Marvel, then a month due to double shipping). That seems to be the case with Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok’s Darkseid War, heck to some fans this is the eventual DC movieverse should look like. However only in comics can we truly appreciate the talent when a writer and an artist create perfect harmony.
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