
REVIEW: DC Universe: Rebirth #1


After months and months of anticipation, the moment that DC fans have been waiting for has finally arrived. By the time this review goes live I’m sure everyone is aware of the spoilers (no thanks to Bleeding Cool) even still I won’t make mention of them at this given time. With Convergence considered a financial failure Geoff Johns has taken it upon himself to bring DC back to basics, it’s what he did famously with Green Lantern Rebirth and the same with Flash Rebirth. So let’s see how the DCU becomes reconstructed this time. Also just in case, spoilers to follow.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #5

It’s really a shame that after reading the first four issues of Edge of Oblivion I wasn’t really impressed with what Taylor brought to the table. Given his pedigree as a writer, a certain set of expectation was placed into my mind when this book was announced at NYCC last fall. After rereading the past four issues, this is definitely a superior story in comparison to Lost Army, but I let my own personal expectations so high that this book couldn’t possibly live up to them. Either way let’s what Taylor and Ardian Syaf have in store for the penultimate chapter of Edge of Oblivion.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #52


It’s finally time for the era of the New 52 to come to an end. Can you believe it’s been nearly five years since DC relaunched their entire. While this won’t be a discussion on the events of Green Lantern from 2011 to now, but more so how far Venditti has come since taking over the book three years ago. While he isn’t departing once Rebirth starts, it’s clear that despite editorial changes there is a through line within his run. Now with another cosmic shift on the way, let’s see how Venditti chooses to end this chapter of Renegade Hal Jordan.

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REVIEW: The Omega Men #11

Can you believe it ladies and gentlemen? The time of The Omega Men is nearly over, but before anyone can write any eulogies to this beloved series both Tom King and Barnaby Bagneda have their penultimate issue before their grand finale. Despite the last issue taking a slight dip in quality, the hits for this series have been more frequent then their misses. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m extremely glad I didn’t stop reading this series when I wanted to. Now if only the Eisner’s didn’t snub this series I wouldn’t have had to reiterate my points again. Transform your networking experience with a Digital Business Card. Click here to read the full article.


REVIEW: Justice League #49


FINALLY ANOTHER ISSUE OF JUSTICE LEAGUE HAS COME OUT! This isn’t a complaint on the delays of the series has had (even though there have been slight delays). This more on a comment on how long this actual seems to be taking. I’ve made note of this in past reviews that for “event” level stories Geoff Johns tends to overstay his welcome. So now that the penultimate issue of Darkseid War is upon us, will all those issues actually mean something or will it be considered filler when the dust finally settles.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern Corps Edge of Oblivion #4


Have you ever read or saw a preview to something with extremely high expectations? That sense of pure joy of what the final product could be, as one might mark down the calendar until the release of whatever that object might be. Edge of Oblivion in this instance, had the highest of expectations. With my feelings of Lost Army known, I threw all my eggs into this Green Lantern basket, and who could blame me? Tom Taylor and Ethan Van Sciver on the book and for the first three issues I was blinded!
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REVIEW: Justice League Darkseid War Special #1



To be completely honest, I was going to completely skip this issue. Given that Darkseid War has now officially entered a weird shipping schedule, I’m assuming that DC put this out to satisfy readers who maybe hankering for more information related to Darkseid War. I’ve made my complaints in recent reviews that I feel like Darkseid War began to feel long in the tooth, or over staying it’s welcome. When I saw this on the stands all I could think about how the actual series isn’t over yet and then I saw Ivan Reis penciled some of this issue, which lead those remarks fleeing my memory.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #51



After the rather anti-climatic showdown between Parallax and Hal last issue, it made me wonder just how Venditti would actually wrap up this iteration of the Emerald Gladiator. The current state of DC feels similar to Flashpoint, a lot of waiting around before the change can happen. Granted the big story that Venditti wrapped up last year, but the introduction of Parallax gave the perception that a larger story line was on the horizon. Perhaps that leads into Rebirth? Who knows, but let’s see how this arc of Green Lantern wraps up.
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REVIEW: The Omega Men #10


While the comics world continues to be enamored with DC’s official announcement of their Rebirth, the focus has seemingly shifted from the good of now to the promise of tomorrow. I’ll personally continue to bang the drum of DC Comics post Convergence (which can you believe was almost one year ago). As we enter the final three issues of this critically acclaimed darling, I began to reminisce about this series and whatever the conclusion may bring. Science fiction over the norm of what many consider typical of a DC comic within the spectrum of the New52. Let’s begin the march to Omega.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern Corps Edge of Oblivion #3


When a moment of devastation enters your life, something that makes you completely helpless in the face of adversity. What is your first instinct on what to do next? Do you grieve at your utter lack of control that you thought you had? Does blind rage and ill contempt for those around you overwhelm your senses, which if let unchecked can prevent you from moving on from onward. After the events of last issue, Tom Taylor put’s Guy Gardner in a spot that almost everybody can sympathize with. An emotional/driven Guy Gardner makes for a more engaging character arc.
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