When you think of iconic team ups within the DCU, your first thoughts might pop to Batman and Superman or The Flash and Green Lantern or Green Arrow and Green Lantern. However one partnership that tends to get overlooked and that’s Batman and Green Lantern. Whether it’s Batman knocking out Guy Gardner with one punch or Hal Jordan helping Bruce Wayne cope with his inner fears. The contrast between these heroes is night and day, more so than even Batman’s relationship with Superman. Now we get to see a new generation of Green Lantern meet the Dark Knight. Warning there will be spoilers going forward. You have been warned.
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Author Archives: Iggy
REVIEW: Planet Of The Apes/ Green Lantern #1
When this book was first announced I was honestly surprised that these two very different (yet rooted in science fiction) would be meeting each other. I’m gonna be completely honest in that a small experience when it comes to Planet of The Apes (I’ve seen the original exactly once) so I’m hoping that this series isn’t a exclusive barrier for fans of either side. Who knows maybe this crossover will actually create new fans. Also if you’re wondering I’ll eventually get around to reviewing the Star Trek/Green Lantern review…..maybe. Warning there will be spoilers going forward. You’ve been warned.
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REVIEW: Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps #13
I’m gonna level with you for one second, and it might be a bit radical when you factor in the types of comics I tend to enjoy the most. I believe that some part of that “mythical” aspect of the DC heroes isn’t as prevalent. This isn’t a rallying cry to force creators to write a certain style but to find unique circumstances to emphasize what makes a hero different from everyday people. Especially in the DC Universe where the Justice League themselves are treated like the Greek Pantheon. What does this have to do with this issue? Read further on and find out, there will be spoilers.
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REVIEW: Green Lanterns #15
Whoever is reading this I want you to take a look at the person in the mirror. Now take into account what you accomplish on a daily basis and more than likely it’s a simple process of getting out of bed, putting on your work clothes and doing your job. For others it’s not as easy, for others getting out of bed is the biggest challenge of their given day. I’ve been highly critical of how Sam Humphries has handled Jessica Cruz’s anxiety over the last fifteen issues. Well today I might be changing my tune about that. Spoilers are to follow, you’ve been warned.
REVIEW: Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps #12
Forgive ladies and gentlemen, but the reality is we live in a divided world. Nowadays it’s so easy to find people who fit their ideas and ignore whatever idea their “opposition” brings to them. When I sit at the bus stop thinking about people who flat ignore the other side of the argument it flat out scares me. What I like about comics is that it should emphasizes the more optimistic side of humanity. What exactly does my ranting about fake new and people ignoring facts have to do with Green Lanterns fighting a crazed Larfleeze? Read my review and find out! Spoilers are to follow!
REVIEW: Justice League/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1
Let’s rewind the clock back to 1995, I’m a young lad having fun on the playground running out with my friends acting out what we say in the hit show, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Fast forward a few more years and the Bruce Timm Justice League cartoon bursts onto the scene, bringing the legacy of the Justice League to a whole new generation. I’ve seen my fair share of crazy crossovers that I thought would never happen, but this six issue just might take the cake. Warning there will be spoilers so be sure to read your comic before reading the review. You’ve been warned!
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REVIEW: Green Lanterns #14
Hello everybody and welcome to 2017! Yes it is a new year and that means a sorta fresh new start for our resident Green Lanterns! This issue concludes the Phantom Lantern arc and while I’ve been critical it there are many aspects that I’ve enjoyed. As a fan of the Green Lantern mythos I want this series to be good and enjoyable for both new readers and veteran readers. Will Jessica and Simon move past self deprecation and actually believe in themselves? Will Jessica actually form a construct that’s not completely abstract? What about Frank Laminski? There will be spoilers going forward, so you have been warned.
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REVIEW: Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps #11
My final review of 2016 is finally here! Before I actually begin to review, I have to congratulate Robert Venditti, Rafa Sandoval, and Ethan Van Sciver for the new energy they have lent to this current series. I’ve been a fan of what Robert has done when he took over the title three years ago, but returning Hal back to his classic look and attitude just feels right. At the same time, I’m starting to warm up to the idea of the Sinestro Corps working in tandem the Green Lantern Corps brings in that new spice for the rest of our beloved corps. For now let’s see how the final H&TGLC ends 2016, warning there will be spoilers going forward.
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REVIEW: Justice League #11
I don’t know about you dudes, but this week in particular it seemed that the Justice League we’re all over the DCU from this book to the first Rebirth event Justice League Vs. Suicide Squad and even Aquaman. Yet as I looked at the shelf I haven’t seen much talk about this current Justice League series. I’m not the biggest fan of this title but when Hitch writes an entertaining script but it seems that this book isn’t captivating readers as much as I thought it would. Before this book enters crossover limbo let’s see how Hitch ends 2016 with the Justice League. Warning there will be spoilers going forward you have been warned.
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REVIEW: Green Lanterns #13
Here we are ladies and gentlemen, it was six months ago that DC “restarted” almost every comic, for the Rebirth initiative. It feels like a lifetime ago, especially when you factor in double shipping so it pretty much is condensing a years worth of comics into six months. I’ve written my negative thoughts on the problems that Green Lanterns has had since it launched back in June, but I can’t deny that underneath it all is a good comic for readers who are new to the world of Green Lantern. Let’s see how the final issue of Green Lanterns for 2016 is! There will be spoilers, read further on at your risk.
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