
Geoffrey Thorne & Tom Raney to Launch GREEN LANTERN in March

From the Future State to the state of things, congrats are in order for Geoffrey Thorne & Tom Raney, the new creative team for Green Lantern #1 coming in March. The news comes from the annual CCXP event in Brazil. Thorne and Raney (writer and artist) will be fresh off their John Stewart leading Future State: Green Lantern “The Last Lanterns” storyline as they kick things into gear with a new number one issue.

Click here to read the full article.

Warner Bros. Pictures Group Announces Innovative, Hybrid Distribution Model for Its 2021 Theatrical Slate

Today, the Warner Bros. Pictures Group announced that it has committed to releasing its 2021 film slate via a unique, consumer-focused distribution model in which Warner Bros. will continue to exhibit the films theatrically worldwide, while adding an exclusive one month access period on the HBO Max streaming platform in the U.S. concurrent with the film’s domestic release. The hybrid model was created as a strategic response to the impact of the ongoing global pandemic, particularly in the U.S. Following the one month HBO Max access period domestically, each film will leave the platform and continue theatrically in the U.S. and international territories, with all customary distribution windows applying to the title. All films will be available in 4K Ultra HD and HDR on HBO Max. This announcement was made today by Ann Sarnoff, Chair and CEO, WarnerMedia Studios and Networks Group (of which Warner Bros. is part) and Jason Kilar, CEO, WarnerMedia.

Click here to read the full article.

What will become of Kyle?

Since appearing in the Green Lantern 80th Anniversary special back in June, Kyle Rayner has been conspicuously absent from comics. To be fair, Grant Morrison’s “The Green Lantern” makes no bones about being Hal-centric (though is also surprising, as Grant Morrison was a huge advocate and proponent of Kyle during his initial well-received “JLA” days), so it’s not completely unexpected. As such, and without even a Green Lantern Corps book anymore to deposit him (and all of the other estranged GLs)… he appears to be a character without a home.

For those unaware, beginning with “Emerald Twilight” in 1994 and concluding with “Rebirth,” ending in 2005, for 11 years Kyle Rayner was the only Green Lantern in comics. Alan Scott was quickly shuffled into the moniker of “Sentinel,” John Stewart was made into a Darkstar, and Guy Gardner went on adventures with a then-dead Sinestro’s yellow ring (later, his Vuldarian Warrior days). He was the guy carrying the torch for more than a decade, a literal “Torce Bearer.” Not only did he basically bring Hal back from the dead, he also resurrected the Guardians (who history seems to often incorrectly paint that Hal killed… he did not, they very clearly suicided in GL Vol. 3 #50) and repowered the Central Power Battery, single-handedly making it possible for the Green Lantern Corps to return (which it did, in “Green Lantern Corps: Recharge”).

Now, for a generation, perhaps two… Kyle was their guy, for better or worse. It is true, many pre-existing Hal Jordan fans felt slighted, and those who have been around the books long enough remember the HEAT days (Ha’s Emerald Advancement Team) whose dreams and desires would one day become fulfilled at the hand of Geoff Johns.

In any case, 2020 is a very different time than 1994. It’s also a very different time than 2005. Hell, 2020 is also a radically different time than 2019. But should any of this take away from Kyle’s contributions to not only Green Lantern the mythos, but the aforementioned two generations of fans? Most would say “absolutely not.”

Now, there is the question of where he would go in a new DC comic today. There appears to be this general idea since “Green Lantern: Rebirth” that Kyle Rayner could only ever be placed in an ensemble cast book. We saw that in multiple volumes of “Green Lantern Corps,” we saw it in the “Countdown” books, we saw it in “Green Lantern: New Guardians,” we saw it in “Omega Men.” There was only one time Kyle was given a shake in a solo run, and it was Ron Marz’ “Ion” series, that was actually supposed to be an ongoing before Geoff Johns decided to yank Kyle out of that and make him a regular Green Lantern again in “Sinestro Corps War” where he would then proceed to go on to… basically blend into the background in the aforementioned ensemble books.

So where would he go? If not a solo book, why not a partnered up book? Kyle has always thrived in Earth-based stories, so let’s start with that. It has to be something that he can go and do these crazy adventures, ringslinging (whether it’s a Green ring or a White ring or something else is beside the point), but then at the end of the day he can still visit New York and have coffee at Radu’s before maybe working on some art. Who would the partner be? Kyle’s  always had a pretty vibrant romantic life… so perhaps a romantic partner? If Jade is brought back, a rekindling there would surely raise some eyebrows. Donna Troy, round two? Soranik? Maybe putting it back on with Carol? Or romancing Jessica Cruz?

What it shouldn’t take is 20 Deposit Casinos to make it happen. But we’ll see what they do as Grant Morrison wraps up his current run.


DC Nation Presents “DC Future State” – Your Guide to DC’s Mammoth 2021 Kickoff!

This January, “DC Future State” is ready to blow the doors off of 2021! This two-month line-wide takeover will give fans a glimpse of the World’s Greatest Super Heroes, reimagined and reinvented for tales in possible futures from across the DC universe! These can’t-miss stories will be delivered by some of the most talented writers and artists from comics, movies and television.

Today, fans can get a behind-the-scenes look at this blockbuster event in DC Nation Presents “DC Future State,” a free magazine available at open and operating comic book stores and participating digital retailers and at www.dccomics.com/FutureState.

DC Nation Presents “DC Future State” contains everything the DC fan wants to know about two-month event, including behind-the-scenes interviews with some of the fan favorite and new storytellers that are part of this incredible event, sneak peeks at some of the new characters and designs in store, a gallery of covers and a checklist of all the must-have titles that could become new favorites in 2021 and beyond!

Visit your local comic book retailer today, or check out DC Nation Presents “DC Future State” today at www.dccomics.com/FutureState, and don’t miss all of the excitement when “DC Future State” debuts at comic book retailers and digital stores on Tuesday, January 5, 2021.


Marie Javins Promoted to Editor-In-Chief at DC Comics

Marie Javins has been promoted to Editor-in-Chief, DC Comics, it was announced today by Daniel Cherry III, Senior Vice President and General Manager, DC Comics, to whom Javins will report. 

In her new role, Javins will be responsible for developing and overseeing the execution of the company’s annual publishing schedule to grow all DC imprints. She’ll also lead the strategy for expanding worldwide consumer reach of DC Publishing content and provide editorial and creative direction for DC imprints. Working closely with Cherry and Publisher and Chief Creative Officer Jim Lee, she’ll help define positioning, character narratives and prioritization, creative talent selection and brand attributes of each imprint and develop publishing plans with lead editors. 

 “Marie intrinsically understands the power of comics and their unique ability to entertain and empower, which makes her a perfect choice to be DC’s next Editor-in-Chief,” said Cherry. “In addition to her many creative talents, she’s also incredibly committed to increasing access to this amazing industry by mentoring the next generation of comic book creators and helping them find their voices. I look forward to working with her in her new role.” 

“As a young girl devouring comics of Wonder Woman, Nubia, and Supergirl, I never dreamed that decades later, I’d be at the helm of the mighty DC Comics,” said Javins. “I’m incredibly honored by this responsibility, and will dedicate myself to supporting and challenging DC’s extended family of staff, talent, retailers, and partners around the world in our quest to tell innovative visual stories that both reflect and expand our world—and in some cases, our galaxy and multiverse.” 

“Anyone who has been fortunate enough to work with Marie in the comics business knows two things about her – one, that she has the impeccable creative instincts and the talent relationships needed to create the kind of stories our fans crave and demand and two,  that her deep knowledge of the global business of comics and its endless variations of storytelling means big things are on the horizon for DC in the years to come,” said Lee. “I’m thrilled for Marie and look forward to the stories she has yet to tell.” 

Prior to this promotion, Javins served as DC’s Executive Editor of Global Publishing and Digital Strategy, where she edited such acclaimed titles as Justice League, DC Super Hero Girls, Exit Stage Left:  The Snagglepuss Chronicles, Superman Smashes the Klan, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass and Dark Nights: Death Metal. Javins most recently edited Represent! It’s a Bird, by Christian Cooper and Alitha Martinez, the touching and stylized interpretation of Cooper’s altercation in Central Park. She joined DC in 2014 in a temporary position to help the company transfer its businesses from New York to Burbank, CA and then relocated to join the staff.  

Prior to DC, Javins worked at Teshkeel Media Group in Kuwait, which licensed DC Comics and others imprints for the Middle East and North Africa as well as created its own original comic series, The 99.  She served as Editor-in-Chief at Teshkeel and eventually ran their Cairo office and later their New York operation.  Javins has also worked as an editor and colorist at Marvel Comics. A graduate of Antioch College, Javins has taught at New York’s School of Visual Arts, written nine books, and traveled twice around the world via public transport. 

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