
REVIEW: The Green Lantern #6

What happens when Grant Morrison writes himself into one helluva cliffhanger that seems almost impossible to get out of? What happens when you take the dynamic art of Liam Sharp and simplify it? What happens to the reader of a review when they’re bombarded with questions? Lets find out in this review of the latest chapter of The Green Lantern.

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REVIEW: The Green Lantern #5

Hal Jordan has gone rogue. So it’s just another Tuesday for the Green Lantern Corps. Given how last issue ended, I can feel the series begin to hit its strive. Even though I’ve enjoyed this latest relaunch from the beginning, I firmly believe that the ending of the previous issue was the start of both Grant, Liam, and Oliff began to hit their stride on this series. Warning the following review will contain spoilers. Remember to read your comic before reading this review. You have been warned.

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REVIEW: The Green Lantern #4


I’ve read superhero comics regularly since May 2006 and one of the first writers I latched onto was Grant Morrison. Talk about a deep dive into the weird right? One of the first rules I’ve learned is that a Grant Morrison comic can always become more absurd. If you thought the first three issues were insane, my friends we’ve only just started. Warning the following review will contain spoilers. You have been warned.

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REVIEW: The Green Lantern #3



NEW YEAR NEW GREEN LANTERN COMICS! 2018 was a great year to be a fan of the Green Lantern Corps. Yes they’re were some endings but all good things must come to and end. Thankfully the end of 2018 promised Green Lantern fans a bold new direction for Hal Jordan with Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp. Even though we only readers had two issues of this new run before 2018 ended, it’s pretty easily to tell that 2019 is going to a mind exploding trip for Green Lantern fans. Warning the following review will contain spoilers. You have been warned.

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REVIEW: The Green Lantern #2




After a stellar debut issue, it’s extremely difficult for anyone’s expectations to anything but high. Having read Morrison’s work for twelve years now, I’m all to familiar with his style and his tendency to go off the rails a bit to quick before readers can get a firm grasp of the story. Well whatever madness Grant has in store for readers, at least Liam Sharp pencils and Steve Oliff’s colors will make said madness look stellar. As always remember to read your comic before reading this review. There will be spoilers ahead, you have been warned.

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REVIEW: The Green Lantern #1




It’s time for a bold new era for Hal Jordan. One of comics greatest (and polarizing) writers takes on one of DC’s iconic characters, along with a artist who is on the verge of being a superstar. What crazy adventures will The Greatest Green Lantern undertake? Warning the following review will contain spoilers, so remember to read your comic before reading this review. You have been warned.

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