
REVIEW: Green Lantern #38

2015 is here but the ramifications of 2014 will of course follow each the Green Lantern titles. It’s always been interesting to see how some characters react after a mega crossover. Sometimes the writer just plunges the characters into whatever the “next big crossover” but I know I prefer seeing a character unwind a bit, a breather issue if you will. Sadly some fans see issues like I’ve mentioned as “filler content” as overlook some great character moments. So let’s see what Hal Jordan does when on leave from The Green Lantern Corps.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern Annual #3

First off I hope everyone had a happy holiday and I deeply apologize for how late this review is. Irregardless it’s finally time to end this marathon known as Godhead. I won’t lie and deny that this crossover has had it fair share of pains but it hasn’t been all terrible, but now that the finale has finally arrived, can Venditti stick the landing? If there is anything I’ve learned from reading crossover comics is that the ending can be the hardest part, and you have to go in knowing that not all readers will be satisfied. So let’s see how the year 2014 ends for Green Lantern!

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #37

Well ladies and gentlemen the final act of Godhead has finally arrived. I’ll admit this crossover has turned out far differently from what I expected. So now that the final assault on New Genesis has begun, I will say that the creative teams have me on the edge of my seat wondering exactly how all this will be resolved. Especially with the wild card of Black Hand introduction from the previous issue of Green Lantern. So let’s without further adieu let’s dissect the final act of Godhead.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #36

Godhead rolls on and with odds stacked against the corps, it makes for a more interesting story. For the first time in a while I can’t think of way that the respective corps can actually come out on top. What crazy plan will the writing team of the Lantern titles come up to see the story through. Hopefully the repetition from act 1 will be a thing of a the past, and each chapter will read as the next chapter instead of stand alone episodes that happen to connect. Either way let’s resume Godhead!

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #35



What an opening for Godhead right? If that previous chapter was any indication, then the Green Lanterns are outclassed in every single way. In a way this paints the story into a bit of a corner, but it also can make the reader wonder how exactly this “war” will play out. When you factor in the drastic choices Hal has had to make, what is going to have to do with an enemy like the New Gods? Let’s not waste any light with part 2 right of Godhead.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern/New Gods Godhead #1


Jack “King” Kirby, a name synonymous with super hero comics greatest icons. Namely from the Marvelous side of things, but as many know he did create magic for DC, the most famous being the New Gods. The New Gods are a peculiar bunch, with many recognizing the figures but few understanding their actual origins. They have there share of the spotlight, namely from Grant Morrison and Jim Starlin in recent memory but this the first real use of the New Gods in the New 52. It’s the start of a long three month crossover so let’s buckle in and start the show already.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern Futures End #1


It’s that time again for the DC line to be taken over by the latest gimmick. This year it happens to center around the weekly series Futures End, which started back in May. The main series itself paints a gruesome end to the DCU, but with the spine of Futures End focusing on side characters, it only makes sense for some of these one shots to paint a larger picture. So why hasn’t Hal been featured at all, while other members of the Justice League have? What is Hal Jordan’s ultimate fate five years later. Let’s crack this open and find out.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #34


The war is over and now we can all relax right? The Green Lantern Corps stopped the Durlans plot and I’m sure they have nothing to worry about anymore……..nope…..nothing…. Oh who am I kidding, this is comics and the next big threat is right around the corner no matter what superhero you are. However everyone needs a small break in between huge events otherwise they might collapse from sheer exhaustion. Which leads us to ask, what does Venditti have planned for Hal Jordan before Future’s End takes over next month? Let’s all grab our cameras and take a selfie, while also diving into the issue itself.

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REVIEW: Green Lantern #33


Penultimate issues, one more chapter and this war with the Durlans threat can finally be put down for good. Needless to say that this war has been the exact opposite of what readers may have been expecting. Which considering that the focus has been the Durlan threat, then I’ll say that fits perfectly with the nature of a Durlan. Layers upon layers, like an onion one would might say. Now that we know what the Durlans endgame is it’s time for Hal and the rest of the corps to stand their ground and contain this threat. There is still one more chapter to go though…..hrrmmm.
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REVIEW: Green Lantern #32


The enemy of my enemy is my friend, a phrase that has been echoed throughout the ages. The readers of Green Lantern have seen this phrase come to fruition over the past year, but it looks like that trusting a shape shifter is never a good idea no matter what the circumstances are. Plus now that we know that the Durlans have been hiding the true game changer for this war without telling their allies. If I know anything about partnerships, it’s that hiding something can lead to a terrible break up. So let’s not waste anymore time and see what Uprising part 3 has in store.
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