

Hey everyone, I bet a lot of you have been wondering why the updates have been so slow of late and more podcasts. Well, truth is, my life and all the other guys’ lives have been pretty busy of late. For me, I got engaged a few weeks ago and we’re busy planning the wedding for this October. A friend of mine also was in a recent motorcycle accident and had to have surgery and also developed pneumonia too. So, we’ve been praying and focusing on her too. A lot of us have also been going on various vacations and doing interviews around the web and it’s convention time now. So, we’re keeping things up to date as fast and as often as possible. Right now this site pretty much takes up all my net time with a little time devoted to my love of Spider-Girl and the Cosmic Marvel Universe. Don’t worry, though, things will start to balance out in the next two months with the relaunch of the new Green Lantern Corps website and a few other things. We’ll continued to rock your Green Lantern lead lives!

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