
The Green Lantern Corps Cast Episode #17 w/ Brett Booth

The Green Lantern Corps Podcast Episode 17!

TheGreenLanternCorps.com proudly presents The Green Lantern Corps Cast, a podcast focusing on all things Green Lantern. In this episode, the guys talk to the upcoming Justice League of America artist Brett Booth! From Scarecrow’s Untold Tale of Blackest Night to Larfleeze’s Christmas Special to Gorillas, Brett Booth will draw it. Listen as we talk to him about what James Robinson has planned for the Justice League, what to expect from Larfleeze’s Xmas antics, the digital comics revolution and find out what Brett and West have in common. Brett spills his secret origin of comics and a lot more in this episode of Corps Cast!

Featuring opening and ending themes from Kirby Krackle (http://www.kirbykracklemusic.com/) and The Roy Clark Method (http://www.freewebs.com/royclarkmethod/).

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