
The Green Lantern Corps Cast #136 – Quarter Ring at a Time


TheGreenLanternCorps.com proudly presents The Green Lantern Corps Cast, a podcast focusing on all things Green Lantern! The gang is back at it again with all the news coverage and opinions you live for.  How could you not love this episode? Green Lanterns, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps and the best ad read ever. Nothing but the best coming your way from Lantern fans just like you!

Download/Subscribe via iTunes here or listen online here!

Featuring an opening theme from Kirby Krackle (http://www.kirbykracklemusic.com/)


One Response to “The Green Lantern Corps Cast #136 – Quarter Ring at a Time”

  1. Cody Hall

    You know the download link is still the old Mike Grell’s living room episode?


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