
Manhunter’s Return

  Just the other day, DCU’s Blog showed the preview for next week’s issue of Secret Six, which features the return of the Manhunter robot from the first post Green Lantern: Rebirth arc. I have to say this is a very interesting twist to things. I’m glad that they decided to give the Manhunters and Cyborg-Superman a rest after the Sinestro Corps War. We all know that Hank Henshaw and the Manhunters are returning post Blackest Night. Especially if Sinestro is running his corps again. The whole individule Manhunter idea has been done before. However, leave it to Gail Simone to give us a more fresh and interesting approach to the idea. The Manhunters have been shown to act as individules before, they aren’t the Borg.
  If this Manhunter ends up a new member of the Six, it would be very interesting to see where it goes, similar to how Parademon was used during the original Villains United mini during Infinite Crisis. I just hope Gail ties things in with Brightest Day very well with the story even if it’s the Blackest Night tie in.

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