The time has come! No, not for the infamous Snyder Cut, that’s out already. The time has come for us to take a glimpse into the future of our favorite ring slingers. Yes friend, its time for solicitations. Lets see whats in store for them, shall we?

Infinite Frontier #1
- written by Joshua Williamson
- art by Xermanico
- cover by Mitch Gerads
- card stock variant cover by Bryan Hitch
- $4.99 US | 40 PAGES | 1 (OF 6) | FC | DC
- DC ON SALE 6/22/2021
- When our heroes saved the Muliverse from Perpetua in Dark Nights: Death Metal, everything was put back where it belonged…and we do mean everything. All the damage from all the Crises was undone, and heroes long thought gone returned from whatever exile they had been in. Most of them, at least. Alan Scott, the Green Lantern from the Justice Society of America, has noticed some of his allies are still missing in action, and he’s determined to find them. There are others, though, who would rather remain hidden than explain themselves, like Roy Harper, a.k.a. Arsenal, a man who should be dead but now is not. Plus, what does all this mean for the DCU’s place in the Multiverse? On opposite sides of a dimensional divide, both Barry Allen and President Superman ponder this question. Not to mention the Darkseid of it all! Or a team of Multiversal heroes called Justice Incarnate!

Infinite Frontier: Secret Files #1
- cover by BRYAN HITCH
- ON SALE 6/29/2021
- $9.99 US | 80 PAGES | Prestige | FC | DC
- Are you ready for the new Infinite Frontier series? Do you have the lowdown on all the characters? If not, this print edition of the digital–first Secret Files series will tell you everything you’re dying to know. Take a look inside Director Bones personal database for stories featuring Jade and Obsidian, the children of the original Green Lantern; Psycho–Pirate, the scourge of many a Crisis on many an Earth; President Superman, the Mutliverse’s ultimate beacon of hope; Roy Harper, back from the dead; and just who are the Totality…?! Featuring six stories in print for the very first time!

DC Pride #1
- written by James Tynion IV, Mariko Tamaki, Steve Orlando, Vita Ayala, Nicole Maines, Danny Lore, Sam Johns, Sina Grace, and Andrew Wheeler
- cover by Jim Lee, Scott Williams, and Tamra Bonvillain
- Pride card stock variant cover by JEN BARTEL
- ON SALE 6/8/2021
- $9.99 US | 80 PAGES | Prestige | DC
- DC celebrates Pride Month with nine all-new stories starring fan-favorite LGBTQIA+ characters Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Midnighter, Extraño, Batwoman, Aqualad, Alan Scott, Obsidian, Future State Flash, Renee Montoya, Pied Piper, and many more! This anthology will also feature:
- —The thrilling introduction of new hero DREAMER in the DCU
- (as seen on The CW’s Supergirl)!
- —A pinup gallery with art by Travis Moore, Kris Anka, Kevin Wada, Sophie Campbell, Nick Robles, and more!
- —Six exciting new profiles of DCTV’s LGBTQIA+ characters and the actors who play them!

Action Comics 2021 Annual
- written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson
- art by Siya Oum
- cover by Scott Godlewski
- variant cover by Valentine De Landro
- ON SALE 6/29/2021
- $5.99 US | 48 PAGES | FC | DC
- card stock variant cover $6.99 US | FC | DC
- The return of Future State’s House of El! It’s time to head back to tomorrow, as Superman’s descendants face a threat from today. This special tale connects to “Warworld Rising” as the actions of Clark Kent in the present reverberate, leaving long-lasting changes…and a deadly threat for the House of El to reckon with. Can Brandon Kent, the Superman of his era, stop the danger from hurting the next generation? Also, for those wanting to know more about Brandon’s relationshop with Theand’r, the Tamaranean queen, prepare yourself for a little romance as well.

Crime Syndicate #4
- written by Andy Schmidt
- art by Kieran McKeown, Dexter Vines, AND Bryan Hitch
- cover by Howard Porter
- card stock variant cover by Khary Randolph
- ON SALE 6/1/2021
- $3.99 US | 32 PAGES | FC | DC
- card stock variant cover $4.99 US | FC | DC
- The world has been saved by the…Crime Syndicate?! With the Starro invaders vanquished, what’s next for Earth-3’s most notorious saviors? Can loose cannons Emerald Knight, Quick, and Atomica keep their cool? Will Ultraman accept Superwoman and Owlman’s tantalizing offer? And what is Alexander Luthor plotting as all these metahuman menaces run amok?
- Here’s the REAL question of the month: Which heroes will join the LEGION OF JUSTICE?
- In this issue’s backup story, witness the origin of the Emerald Knight, illustrated by superstar artist Bryan Hitch!

Far Sector #12
- written by N.K. Jemisin
- art by Jamal Campbell
- cover by Jamal Campbell
- card stock variant cover by Jen Bartel
- ON SALE 6/1/2021
- $3.99 US | 32 PAGES | 12 (OF 12) | FC | DC
- card stock variant cover $4.99 US | FC | DC
- When Jo Mullein left Earth for parts unknown, little did she know she’d end up becoming a Green Lantern at the farthest outpost in the known universe, dealing with a complex culture that was about to have its first murder in centuries. Investigating that death unearthed a lot of secrets and made her a lot of enemies, and it all comes to a head in this rousing final issue. Written by multiple Hugo Award winner N.K. Jemisin and drawn by Naomi co-creator Jamal Campbell, this epic space adventure is one you will want to read over and over again.

Green Lantern #3
- written by Geoffrey Thorne
- art by Tom Raney AND Marco Santucci
- cover by Bernard Chang
- card stock variant cover by Bryan Hitch
- ON SALE 6/1/2021
- $4.99 US | 40 PAGES | FC | DC
- card stock variant cover $5.99 US | FC | DC
- Stranded in a Dark Sector with no rings and no backup, John Stewart is out of options, his back against the wall. After the Central Power Battery dies, John must live long enough to gather the surviving Green Lanterns and find a way home, while one of the newest Green Lanterns, Far Sector’s Jo Mullein navigates a host of unknown dangers on the Green Lanterns’ homeworld of Oa, as she works to uncover the cause of the battery’s collapse and who was behind it.