
REVIEW: Green Lantern Futures End #1


It’s that time again for the DC line to be taken over by the latest gimmick. This year it happens to center around the weekly series Futures End, which started back in May. The main series itself paints a gruesome end to the DCU, but with the spine of Futures End focusing on side characters, it only makes sense for some of these one shots to paint a larger picture. So why hasn’t Hal been featured at all, while other members of the Justice League have? What is Hal Jordan’s ultimate fate five years later. Let’s crack this open and find out.

A sight that might make some Green Lantern fans groan, The Black Lanterns have returned with Krona towing them, plus Relic is not as imprisoned as he used to be. Given that Venditti was only given twenty pages to tease a story that mainly will have no consequence going forward, it’s interesting that he chose to go with Black Lanterns.

True to a “alternate future story” Venditti never gives away the whole slice of the pie, but rather hints at it. Forcing the reader to ask questions to something that won’t be answered. It’s smart for him to use The Black Lanterns so that potential lax fans may have something to recognize, therefore allowing them to become more invested. Coccolo certainly captures the creepiness of the Black Lanterns with his rendition, but with most of them being unrecognizable so it’s not the same punch that was shared in Blackest Night.

Lopresti takes over for the best moment of this issue with Hal talking with Black Lantern father. Sadly from a writing standpoint this was all just boring exposition and more references to the events of Futures End, but most importantly it lacks heart. It does have glimmers of character at the start and when the scene ends, but once Martin opens his mouth it goes down hill. Aaron Lopresti does manage to give it a bit of heart with his facial expressions and his excellent storytelling with Martin announcing his presence.

Hopefully Lopresti will be asked to come back, cause he renders a fantastic Hal Jordan.

The action takes center stage again with Hal and Relic team up to take down the Black Lanterns. The action is by the numbers but Hal is quickly overrun and he makes the ultimate sacrifice. The second half of the issue’s pacing was on high alert, constantly moving. It doesn’t give the reader a chance to catch up before Hal bites the bullet.

Given how this story had to be told in twenty pages I can give some lenience to the creative team. The issue itself ends with Hal being placed inside the Source Wall similar to Relic, with Martin saying goodbye. That final scene of Martin carrying his son and encouraging him was another great emotional scene. A reverse to Hal seeing his Dad go away.

The issue itself was by in large an average story. The best moments occur between Hal and his father, but Martin mouthing off exposition was a bit jarring. The second half was paced to quickly before the reader could catch their breath. If this one shot showed anything it’s that he deserves a shot a drawing some Green Lantern title in the future. Now we all know why Hal isn’t around in Futures End.

Green Lantern: Futures End #1 earnsĀ  2/5

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