
REVIEW: Green Lantern #30


For every war there are phases that occur, which can lead to a better understanding of your opponent. That could either be a bad or good thing depending on the situation presented upon the soldiers. They might understand their viewpoints or they might become even more disgusted due to the actions of past battles. This issue is the eye of hurricane for our fellow Lanterns, since we all know the real fireworks start next month. This will be a moment of reflection for our reluctant leader and his opportunity to push the Lanterns to victory against the Khund Empire and the deadly Durlans.

The issue opens up with a serene view of Hal overlooking Mogo. Here we are introduced to guest artist Martin Coccolo, he did fill in pages last issue but here he is doing drawing and inking and the overshot of the headquarters is quite breathe taking. Coccolo’s style comes as painterly, but it avoids being stiff everything still flows naturally.

Continuing the somber feeling, with a memorial for Kyle Rayner. Here Venditti perfectly shows how much Hal has grown as a leader. Hal comes off as understanding what needs to be done but he can’t lose focus for the sake of the corps itself. Fear not though for the brazen Hal Jordan that everybody loves makes an awesome appearance later in the issue.

The design for the new crypt is beautiful, the place itself feels peaceful and the choice to feature more of the planet then building was a nice choice.

With no rest for the weary Hal learns of a Khund warship docked into neutral space. Venditti opens up the world a bit by showing a new facet of neutral sites. While this idea doesn’t move the story along, it does flesh out this relatively unknown universe (least to the readers) which in this reviewers book is a good idea.

The old Hal Jordan makes his return with his cocky attitude as he attempts to pry information from the Khund representatives. Hal feels like Dirty Harry in this scene. Showing the Khund that he has no fear but he attempts to negotiate (least in his way) out of this war. Continuing with notion of Hal maturing yet still using his old ways. Consistency is key my friends.

So it turns out that Hal has to go mono y mono against a Khund warrior as perm terms of the neutral site they are on. Cuccolo’s action is decent, nothing flashy but the story telling is solid which is the more important aspect when it comes to a comic. From a writing stand point Venditti actually has Hal not try to bulldoze his way to victory but instead outsmarts his superior opponent. Again continuing the evolution of Hal as a leader and character. Excellent work here Mr. Venditti.

The issue concludes with Venditti showing a bit of Khund culture. It’s not much but it does give some more depth to them as race. The real conclusion is our resident runaway Durlan has been caught and while it appears the Durlan was eliminated the last panel feels off. While it is clear on who eliminated what, it’s not clear on what happened after the Durlan was taken out.

Perhaps this was intentional but it came of as clunky and the impact required from the reader just isn’t there sadly.

Green Lantern #30 receives a 3/5

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