
Ron Perlman Voices Sinestro in Green Lantern: The Animated Series

Looking to our GLTAS countdown, it says we have 13hrs until the next episode hits the screen. Thankfully to help fill that void, the one man hype machine(and follower of TheGLCorps on twitter!), Giancarlo Volpe, has decided to dish out some more tidbits about the show. Yes, that includes the headline you read above that Hellboy and Sons of Anarchy actor Ron Perlman will voice Sinestro on the show. Read below for some choice quotes from part one of the article. Potential spoilers below.


On Twitter interaction with fans:


So Twitter’s great. If someone just has an off-hand question like “Hey is that character’s design an ode to such and such” I can confirm or deny it right there. Obviously I try not to spoil anything or do anything that will put me in a compromising position, but I love that I can just talk to them, it makes it more fun. It feels more like storytelling in a room full of listeners as opposed to being separated from the audience.


On the “Steam Lantern” episode and Alan Scott:


Well one of the things we needed to show in that episode was what could happen in our universe if the Anti-Monitor ran amuck. The intention was to show that the anti-matter universe is now really desolate and one of the last planets remaining was the Steam Lantern’s planet.

So that was the impetus for that episode was to explain, he has destroyed an entire universe and now he’s in ours!


With our version of the anti-matter universe, we kept toying with the fact that it would be the negative, the reverse universe of ours, but we made the concept more what would Hal’s equivalent be in the anti-matter universe if it wasn’t Alan Scott. So maybe there’s this guy who wants to be a Green Lantern, and Lady Catherine is the Carol equivalent – loose parallels that we’re playing with.


Then it occurred to us that the reason why Steam Lantern bases himself off of Green Lantern is because he’s met Alan Scott in the past. So we dropped that little easter egg in there [a line of dialogue from Gil mentions a GL with a Red Shirt and a Cape] to allude to something that can hopefully happen later.


On bringing Sinestro into the show:


Yes! We finally got permission to use him. I’ve heard folks call it an embargo, but it was never that official. The folks at DC Entertainment politely asked us to back off of Sinestro “for now” because they weren’t really sure what his fate would be in the feature film [when we were in early development of the series]. They didn’t know if his turn would be in the first one or later, and if you’ve seen the film they do hint at his turn to the Yellow Lanterns in the credits scene.


So seeing that gave us permission. It was great to finally get to put him in, because it doesn’t feel quite like the Green Lantern universe unless he’s in it. And I suppose I can tell you, we got Ron Perlman to play Sinestro! So, he lends a very interesting take and perspective on Sinestro’s character. Plus that’s a cool sci-fi fan gem there.


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