
Green Lantern Spotlight Podcast Episode #5

Green Lantern Spotlight Episode #5

Andrew, West, Ray, Mewzard and myself interview current Agent Orange Green Lantern artist, Philip Tan. We talk about how he got into the business. What it’s like working with various writers on his books. His dream projects and answering everyone’s questions. Also, Andrew breaks out his new game for Philip to play. It was a great time and we hope to have Philip on again later this year. Enjoy

GL Spotlight Album Art
GL Spotlight Album Art

Green Lantern Spotlight Podcast Episode #3, Part 2

Green Lantern Spotlight Episode #3, Part 2 a.k.a. RON FRICKIN’ MARZ!!!

Ron Marz joins us on the podcast as Andrew, Ray, West, Kuhan and I sit down and have a great chat about his work on Green Lantern and the creation of Kyle Rayner. This was a tremendous amount of fun and I think we all learned a ton of things we had no idea about. Coming this summer we hope to welcome Ron back for a second podcast, this time joined by Darryl Banks.

GL Spotlight Album Art
GL Spotlight Album Art

Interview with Artist Darryl Banks

thegreenlanterncorps.com: Darryl, this is the highest honor and a literal childhood thrill to be able to bounce some Q&A off of you.

Thank you for agreeing to this – yours is the art that I first saw in the very first GL comic I ever picked up off the shelf.

Darryl Banks: Hello, everyone!  I’m honored to answer these questions.

GLC: If you’ll allow me, let’s just knock this one out right away. OK, everyone has been asking for years… what are the chances or odds of you working on Green Lantern again? Are you even down for that in the here and now? What seem to be the challenges/hurdles involved that stop such a thing?

DB: Green Lantern seems to have creative teams in place and I don’t know how or if DC would be willing to see me do the book again.  If I could I’d do a special or one-shot to familiarize myself with drawing the cast.

GLC: What about working for DC at large, beyond GL? Have you approached them or been approached about any work since your last with them?

DB: Recently I’ve done work with DC regarding licence property artwork, Mattel action figure reference for an example.  No comics, though.

GLC: Without having to get too much into specifics, can you talk at all about under what circumstances or terms you departed Green Lantern? DC at large?

DB: After being affiliated with Green Lantern for eight years I was finally ready to move on to another title.  The split wasn’t the way I had hoped and there is MUCH more to the story (ask me in person).  Thankfully I got to do some JLA work because of editor Dan Raspler.  That’s all I’ll say in writing for now. Click here to read the full article.