
Interview with Artist/Writer Scott Kolins

The following is an interview with artist/writer Scott Kolins who has contributed to Blackest Night: FlashSolomon Grundy and Superman/Batmanamong many other titles. Brought to you by the Green Lantern Spotlight Podcast and the SpeedsterSite

GL SPOTLIGHT: Well first let’s dive into Blackest Night: Flash, the miniseries that reunites the highly praised Flash team of you and writer Geoff Johns. How different were these three issues than your time on Flash previously? Have Geoff’s scripts become any more visually demanding than before?

SCOTT KOLINS: Rogues Revenge was only loosely connected to Final Crisis. The Blackest Night Flash series story is tied more to the central plot of Blackest Night. Barry is a pivotal figure on Blackest Night and he’s 1/2 the story in Blackest Night Flash. The Rogues 1/2 of this story is a little looser but still connected as they fight some Black Lantern Rogues. Geoff’s scripts are about the same – which means great and very much based on the core story being told. In Rogues Revenge was about revenge (Duh!), and here it was more about survival – against undead friends and villains! The only new thing – which is actually very old school is that Geoff was so busy working on all aspects of Blackest Night that he would sometimes call me on the phone and we’d discuss the next page or scene and break it down over the phone. Then I’d rough out the page or pages and email that back to him for his approval. It was actually kinda fun this way and we got the book done on time!

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