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TCS Phlegethon; Bridge
The Canés Venatici Galaxy
System 77-G, Sector Alpha Tango Theta
1745 Hours (CST)

“Not as bad as I expected," Commodore Tierson spoke.

Jared felt queasy, to say the least. The nauseating sensation of an S-Fold journey seemed strangely magnified on the TCS Phlegethon, paling the Amadaeus trip in comparison. Thinking about it, Jared figured it had more to do with the fact that the Canés Venatici Galaxy was considerably farther from the Milky Way than Andromeda had been.

Looking out the viewports, he found himself once again in uncharted territory. A nearby sun could be seen flaring with illuminating magnificence, as well as entire clusters of nebulae and dense clouds of a multitude of colors mankind had yet to catalogue.

"Sir, ConFleet High Command transmitted the encryption codes to priority message zero-zero-twelve just prior to our S-Fold. Shall I relay the message on-screen?"

Tierson smiled. Hed been expecting it. "By all means."

Jared and Tierson both looked patiently at the frontal viewports as they became filled with flickering blackness, then a face. A surprisingly familiar face.

Commodore Christopher Blair, XO and CAG of the megacarrier Concords Claw (recently renamed from the TCS Blair) and a newly-appointed commandant of the Special Operations Division of Confed. A man whose renown legacy could be traced back well over a hundred years ago. His return two years before was a subject greatly debated throughout the Confederations ranks. First he was called an imposter when he returned to apparently sacrifice himself to stop the Steltek invasion. Then he was cleared of all doubt when Confed TCIS Intelligence released a story to the media that explained hed been cryogenically frozen after going insane during the rise of the Firekkan Commonwealth in 2684 and only "apparently" being assassinated in 2685 by a Confed Special Ops team; that hed been cured of injury and mental illness while in stasis; awakened during the Steltek invasion; retreated from the public eye after the incident; then came back to a mystery-shrouded encounter with a Kilrathi baron in the Vukar Tag Sector. It was even whispered that the Cat baron encounter was directly related to the sudden invention of S-Fold Drive. If it was, Confed Intell wasnt talking. Jared didnt care enough either way to bother looking into the matter.

"You are all aware of the attempted Steltek invasion two years ago," Blair began the briefing. "A Steltek mothership, a capship were now classifying as Marauder-class, entered Confederation space and destroyed fifty-nine capital ships—forty-eight of which belonging to the Space Navy. Gentlemen, that Steltek vessel didnt enter Confed space on Jump Drive—it came directly from another galaxy. Its taken two years of research and preparation, but TCIS has managed to get a complete spectral analysis of the exit point of the Steltek motherships entrance into our space. In doing so, we discovered the entry point, which telemetry indicates to be within the heart of the Canés Venatici Galaxy."

Jared swallowed. He didnt like where Blair was going with this.

"That Steltek mothership wasnt a one of a kind. We have every reason to believe a second Steltek invasion is impending, and that first mothership was a mere vanguard of the full enemy invasion force. Or maybe just a scout. To make a long story short, we need recon. The TCS Phlegethon is the only ship we can trust in this matter. The largest, most formidable ship in the Armada, it is the only vessel that can hope to stand a chance in a Steltek encounter and hope to get away in one piece. You realize now that it was no accident the Phlegethon was the first carrier to be given S-Fold Drive.

"Your orders are as follows: the TCS Phlegethon is to proceed to the Delta Agnes System, the closest star system to the Gamma Onisis System—the system we have confirmed the original Steltek mothership to have made the S-Fold journey to the Milky Way two years ago from. It may be their home system, perhaps even containing the Steltek homeworld or homeworlds, or possibly just a military staging zone. It is imperative that we know the size of their fleet and what to expect in the next invasion. From the Delta Agnes System, you are to do a thorough long range scan of the Gamma Onisis System. At your discretion utilizing full DSSS, then scan the remainder of the Alpha Tango Theta Sector. When your work is completed and you have DSSS confirmation of the fleets size—or if there even is one—you may return with all due haste to Sol Sector for debriefing.

"Ladies and gentlemen, youve been given... well, one hell of a maiden voyage. A trial by fire, wed call it in my time. Good luck."

"You heard the man," Tierson shouted. There was a note of eagerness to his voice. "Scan the immediate area for appropriate jump nodes and set course for the Delta Agnes System as soon as possible."

"Yessir," every officer on the bridge acknowledged in unison.

That was the one drawback about Space-Folding Drive. Even when powered by synthetic Cynium it required a minimum of two days of recharging between trips. It made Jump Drive, which could be used to minimal power drain, not quite as obsolete as it might have seemed when S-Fold Drive first flew off the R&D drawing boards.

Jared left Tiersons side and found Lt. Commander Nichols, the CAG. "Commander Nichols," he spoke as he came up to the man, saluting.

The Asian-looking man, probably in his mid-to-late forties, shot back a quick salute. "Yes, Major...?"

"With your permission, sir, Id like to brief the squadron commanders of my fighter wing on what Commodore Blair has just told us."

"Feel free. Ill see that youre called you when we approach our destination."

Great, Jared mused, now Im on call...


TCS Phlegethon; 907th FW Pilot Barracks
1802 Hours (CST)

"Id like to call a meeting."

Major Davidsen stepped into the locker room of the barracks, finding it to be exceptionally expansive. At first the chattering mixture of showering squadron commanders and pilots of the 907th Tactical Fighter Wing—all ninety-six of them at least partially naked—didnt seem to acknowledge. They quickly responded, however, as he gave a nearby locker a swift, loud kick.

An assortment of male and female faces—some of which he readily recognized from the pilot profiles hed gone over a week ago, others only vaguely—looked up and gave him their attention. When he guiltily found his gaze dallying on the four breasts of a blue-skinned, unashamed Dolosian female in Red Weevil Squadron he made a conscious effect to keep his eyes constantly spanning the room.

"Allow me to introduce myself," Jared started off. "Im Major Jared Davidsen. Youve probably heard of me. Used to go by the callsign ‘Devilbane, but Id prefer being called ‘Major Davidsen’ by you ladies."

"Hey, youre that guy that went to Andromeda," one of the brighter squadron commanders gave his input.

"Thats right. Now Im the WC of this outfit, so listen up. As youve probably heard, weve been diverted from our trip to Andromeda, instead entering the Canés Venatici Galaxy. I know youre wondering why were here. I sure as hell did. But a briefing from Commodore Blair has revealed our true mission."

"It was my understanding that the Phlegethons maiden voyage would be a quick, out-of-Galaxy scouting run," stated another squadron commander. Captain Patrick "Overkill" Shmidt, CO of the Sophia-class "Tarantulas." "Yknow... a run around the block. Were... were not being put on the offensive, are we?"

Everybodys gotta be a smartass. "No, not necessarily, but we do have to watch our backs. Were doing recon work now. Confed thinks theyve located the Steltek staging site from which they launched that invasion two years ago out on the Rim. They think its here, in Canés Venatici, in the Gamma Onisis System."

"Were going to jump into Steltek space?" a pilot shouted. Jared couldnt see the guys face through the crowd.

"If Confeds right, were already in Steltek space. But were not going to Gamma Onisis, so they think well be all right. No, were going to the Delta Agnes System. Thats where the Phlegethon will conduct its long range reconn shit." Jared shrugged. "If our luck holds out, well finish up and leave without having spotted a single Steltek ship."

"And if not?" Shmidt asked.

"Well just have to be ready for anything. When we reach Delta Agnes in a couple of hours I want your squadrons ready to fly. Then all of us are going to be running patrol shifts until the Phlegethons done its recon business and is ready to make the S-Fold home." Jared opened and clasped his hands. Well, that about did it. "Any questions, or are we understood? Anybody? Anybody at all? Dont be bashful, dont be shy..."

A few exchanges of glances and a handful of muttered curses, but no one spoke up.

"All right then. Dismissed."

Jared could tell right away it was going to be a long mission.