After a full day of T&A, we were ready for a day with more of the same so we got up early and got lined up with thousands of porn fanatics.

They let us in about 20 minutes early which was a huge bonus so we could get in on the free swag. They give you a bag full of trinkets and items from DVD samplers to spray to clean your sex toys. Some of the stuff is actually useful.
At any rate, this was supposed to be the day the BIG stars would grace us with their presence so we were ready to hit those lines. This time around we came prepared with a plan: Instead of waiting in endless lines only to obtain one pic and one autograph, we recruited another guy that was by himself and split up. I even took it a step further and stood in one line for a few moments and asked the guy in front of me to hold my place while I waited in a shorter line. This technique worked wonders throughout the day and got me maximum pics and signatures.
First up for the day, the lovely Asa Akira. I love Asians. I hadn't heard of her until last year's show. After checking out a few of her movies, she's pretty darn good... and she takes a great facial.

Next up was Tarra White and some Hustler chick I had never heard of. They were probably just breaking into the business.

The poster for Fly Girls.

I want to check this out. It was supposed to be one of the big films for the AVN like Nurses last year. Too bad Nurses sucked ass.
Using my line-hopping technique, I got another quick pic with Angelica Armani.

I also got another pic with Misty Stone. She does pretty good work too.

...and some fun, thick chick.

We had to wait in line for a while, but it was well worth it. I finally got a pic with Teagan Presley. I missed her last year.
[img] [/img]

Right next to her was Amber Rayne.

...and right next to her was Alexis Ford.

Got 3 quick pics in record time since they all work for Adam & Eve. While I was line hopping, I got a quick pic with the Fleshlight gals.

When I finally went back to the Wicked line I was supposed to be in, we were close to the front. This line was CRAZY long and the guy that I had hold my place was in it for at least an hour. Keep in mind that the show only lasts from 11 to 5. If you waste in hour in line, that's 1/6 of your overall time. While waiting, HOLY SMOKES!! Jenna Haze opened up a booth so I waited in that line for a few moments.

Jenna Haze was the sole reason I came to the AVN. I had someone hold my place and scurried back to the Wicked line to get pics with "someone"

The lovely Kaylani Lee

Stormy Daniels

and "someone else"

While we were in the Wicked line, a friend was in the line for Sarah Palin, ERRR Lisa Ann.

My friend had someone hold his place in that line while we got pics with Jenna Haze!!

I think this was the first time I was starstruck. Meeting my favorite starlet was beyond awesome! I got a signed pic and a poster where she signed and wrote, "Lick my hot, wet pu$$y."

I asked her if I could pick her up for another pic and she whispered to me, "I can't... I'm not wearing any panties." O_O Even though, she gave me a very nice pose and something I'll get to talk about for years.

I can truthfully say that I gripped Jenna Haze's thigh.

Even though I partially fulfilled my fantasy, there was still much work to be done. We jumped in line where my friend had someone holding his place and got pics with Lisa Ann.

She was awesome! We even pissed off the folks behind us because we spent about 5 minutes talking about the Lakers/Cavs game. Turns out she's an avid Lakers fan and was ticked that the refs allowed Kobe to get knocked around without calling fouls. Mmmm.... I love a women that loves sports!
Next, we got pics with Shauna Sand.

After doing some line hopping, we got Riley Steele.

I'm generally not into blondes, but that is one blondie that I wouldn't mind banging. That tiny, little waist of her's looks so delicious.
For whatever reason, there was a HUGE line for these two chicks. None of us knew who they were, but everyone wanted pics with them. If someone knows who they are, let me know.

Earlier in the day, there was a camera crew following the older gal. She must be a former, well-known star. *shrugs*
Parodies are HUGE in porn these days and along with Lisa Ann, this gal stars in the "I dream of Genie" series.

The hottie that we took a pic with the previous day was back so we tried to get another set of pics with her. This time to take pics with her, she charged $5!! WTF?!? The biggest stars in the industry weren't charging anything and this no named broad was charging? Screw that! She's gorgeous, but not THAT gorgeous!.. and she had completely forgotten us from yesterday! Un-be-freaking-lieveable!

I didn't know who this gal was, but she oozed sex appeal so I had to take a couple of provocative shots with her.

Heh heh. That was fun. As we took the pics, people around us were cheering me on and applauding. LOL!
The show was starting to wrap up, but cosplay was still in full effect.

Nurses are cool. Before we left, we noticed a crowd around the Fleshlight booth. Low and behold it was my new favorite starlet, Lupe Fuentes pimping her product.

That girl is SAAA-MOKIN'! As of right now, if I got to have sex with a porn star, she would be the one. Oh, the tricks I could do with her 90 lb. frame.

After grabbing something to eat, we went back to the Hotel to relax and watch the Cowboys spank the Eagles in the playoffs. I was exhausted. We were walking around and standing in line for 10 straight hours without sitting down or taking a food break. We were supposed to hit the strip club later that night so I was looking forward to that, but once my head hit the pillow, I was OUT. I woke up around 11 and my friend said, "I thought you were gonna be out until tomorrow." There was no way I could miss going to Sapphire, the best strip club in Las Vegas.

Two floors and 3 levels of heaven. We got to the club, paid the cover and had tickets for free drinks. Since we arrived relatively early for Vegas standards, it wasn't too hard to locate a table. Usually, you spend an hour looking for a place to sit or you have to bribe one of the bouncers to get you a table... and being someone that's usually bigger than everyone else, I hate feeling migitized when standing next to those bouncers.
The girls of Sapphire are a bit more laid back and mellow than those at Spearment Rhino. After a dance, the girls at Sapphire still try to get you in the VIP room, but didn't straight up grab your package and try to stroke you off. Additionally, these girls were worlds friendlier and didn't get an attitude if you refused a dance.
One thing kind of threw us for a loop. In order to sit at a table, you MUST be drinking something at all times. This must have been a new rule instituted because we didn't have an issue last year. While we were sitting at a table and scoping out the scene, this waitress strolled over and asked us what we wanted to drink. They had already scooped up the drinks we finished several minutes before. We both said we were fine since we had just finished our Rum & Coke. Well, this bitch got nasty and said, "No! You have to order something otherwise you can't sit here." We looked at each other like "WTF?!?" So we ordered two more Rum & Cokes, but this time sipped on those bad boys so they lasted the rest of the night. LOL!
I thought the girls at Sapphire were overall a bit more attractive and they had a wider variety of ethnicities. There was one Indian girl that I had my eye on from the beginning, but I never got to get a dance from her. Still, it was a pool O' plenty filled with attractive girls.
I really need to learn to play the stripper game. If I had better hearing, I would. The music in the club is so loud that you can barely hear yourself think. Most of the veterans of the club have the girls on their lap for at least 15 minutes before getting a dance... and that's the way to work it. Since I couldn't hear anything and suck at reading lips, I didn't want to take part in an incoherent conversation so when the next song played, I just got the dance and got the girl off my lap. It was funny because after one dance, this girl said, "You want me to get off your lap and go away, huh?" LOL! I didn't mean for it to appear so obvious, but oh well.
The girls at Sapphire weren't as aggressive as the Rhino, but some of them still allowed you to feel their boobs up which ws a definite plus. I just loved when the chicks would take my hands and put them on their breasts. So hot! Just about all the girls encouraged you to spank, grab their ass and slide your hands up and down their thighs as they dance... and they all smell so good! One of these times (when money isn't an issue), I'm going to go into the VIP room just to see what really goes on in there. I must know!
Well, this is the end to another AVN convention. Plenty of boobage in the day and even more at night with pic-O'-plenty to show for it. Again, I had a blast and would highly recommend this show to anyone that enjoys porn. You've gotta try it out just once. I was lucky enough to do it twice! Since I'm getting married, this will probably be the last convention I attend. My wife won't be having any of that stuff.