Hello everybody I'm new to the forums but have been a Green Lantern fan for awhile now. I wanted to put together a list that gives the proper order of reading GL. I know there are holes so help is appreciated. Help fitting in big DC events would also be great.
Golden Age Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1 (GL 1, AAC 16-30)
Golden Age Green Lantern Archives Vol. 2 (GL 2-3, AAC 31-38)
Green Lantern Chronicles Volume 1 (Showcase 22-24, GL 1-3)
Green Lantern Chronicles Volume 2 (GL 4-9)
Green Lantern Chronicles Volume 3 (GL 10-16)
Green Lantern Chronicles Volume 4 (GL 17-22)
Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn (1-6)
Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II (1-6)
Green Lantern: The Road Back (GL 1-8)
Green Lantern: Ganthet's Tale SC
Superman: The Return of Superman (GL 46)
Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight and New Dawn (GL 48-55)
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time
Green Lantern: Baptism of Fire (GL 59, 66-75)
Green Lantern: Circle of Fire
Green Lantern: Emerald Allies (GL 76-77, 92)
The Final Night
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights (GL 99-106)
Day of Judgment
Green Lantern: New Journey, Old Path (GL 129-136)
Green Lantern: Power of Ion (GL 142-150)
Green Lantern: Brother’s Keeper (GL 151-155)
Green Lantern: Passing the Torch (GL 156, 158-161)
Green Lantern: Rebirth (1-6)
Green Lantern: No Fear (GL 1-6)
Green Lantern Corps: Recharge (1-5)
Green Lantern: Revenge of the Green Lanterns (GL 7-12)
Green Lantern Corps: To be a Green Lantern (GLC 1-6)
The Rann-Thanagar War
Infinite Crisis
Ion: The Torchbearer (1-6)
Ion: The Dying Flame (7-12)
Green Lantern: Wanted – Hal Jordan (GL 13-20)
Green Lantern Corps: The Dark Side of Green (GLC 7-13)
Green Lantern The Sinestro Corps War Vol. 1 (GL 21-23, GLC 14-15)
Green Lantern The Sinestro Corps War Vol. 2 (GL 24-25, GLC 17-19)
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War Vol. 3 – Tales of the Sinestro Corps
Green Lantern Corps: Ring Quest (GLC 20-26)
Green Lantern: Secret Origins (GL 29-35)
Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns (GL 26-28, GL 36-38)
Green Lantern Corps: Sins of the Star Sapphire (GLC 27-32)
Green Lantern: Agent Orange (GL 39- 42)
Green Lantern Corps: Emerald Eclipse (GLC 33-39)
Blackest Night* (BN 0-8)
Blackest Night: Green Lantern (GL 43-52)
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps (GLC 39-47)
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps (BN:TotC 1-3, GL 49, AC 4-5)
Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. 1 (BN:Bat 1–3, BN:Super #1–3 and BN: Titans 1–3)
Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. 2 (BN:WW 1-3, BN:JSA 1-3, BN:Flash 1-3)
Blackest Night: Rise of the Black Lantern (Shazam! 48, Catwoman 83, Question 37, Phantom 42, Western Tales 71, Atom & Hawkman 46, AC 7, GA 30, Starman 81)
Brightest Day Vol. 1 (BD 0-7)
Brightest Day Vol. 2 (BD 8-16)
Green Lantern Corps: Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns (GLC 21-22 & 48-52)
Brightest Day: Green Lantern (GL 53-62)
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors Vol. 1 (GL:EW 1-7)
Brightest Day Vol. 3 (BD 17-24)
Green Lantern Corps: The Weaponer (GLC 53-57)
Green Lantern: War of the Green Lanterns (GL 63-67, GLC 58-60, GL:EW 8-10)
War of the Green Lanterns: Aftermath (GLC 61-63, GL:EW 11-13, War Aftermath 1-2)
Justice League: Origin (JL 1-6)
Green Lantern: Sinestro (GL 1-6)
Red Lanterns: Blood and Rage (RL 1-7)
New Guardians: The Ring Bearer (GLNG 1-7)
Green Lantern Corps: Fearsome (GLC 1-7)
Justice League: The Villain's Journey (JL 7-12)
Green Lantern: The Revenge of Black Hand (GL Annual 2012 #1,7-12)
Red Lanterns: Death of the Red Lanterns (RL 8-12, Stormwatch #9)
New Guardians: Beyond Hope (GLNG 8-12, Blue Beetle #9)
Green Lantern Corps: Alpha War (GLC 8-14, Zero Issue)
Green Lantern: Rise of the Third Army (Green Lantern 13-14, GLC 13-15, GLNG 13-16, RL 13-16, GL 15-16, GLC #16, GLC Annual #1)
Green Lantern: The End (GL Zero Issue, GL 13-20)
Green Lantern Corps: Willpower (GLC Annual #1, GLC 15-20)
New Guardians: Love and Death (Green Lantern #20, GLNG Zero Issue, GLNG 13-20)
Red Lanterns: The Second Prophecy (Green Lantern #20, RL Zero Issue, RL 13-20)
Green Lantern: The Wrath of the First Lantern (Green Lantern 17-20, GLC 17-20, GLNG 17-20, RL 17-20)
Green Lantern: Dark Days (GL Annual #2, GL 21-23, GL 23.1-26)
Green Lantern Corps: Rebuild (GL Annual #2, GLC 21-27)
New Guardians: Gods and Monsters (GL Annual #2, GLNG 21-27)
Red Lanterns: Blood Brothers (GL Annual #2, RL 21-26)
Larfleeze: Revolt of the Orange Lanterns (Larfleeze 1-6, Threshold 1-5)
Green Lantern: Lights Out (GL Annual #2, GL 23.1-24, GLC #24, GLNG #23-24, RL #24)
Justice League: Forever Heroes (JL 24-29)
Green Lantern: Test of Wills (GL #27, Green Lantern/Red Lanterns #28, GL 29-34, GLC 31-33)
Green Lantern Corps: Uprising (GLC Annual #2, GL 31-33, GLC 28-34)
New Guardians: Godkillers (GLNG 28-34)
Red Lanterns: Atrocities (RL Annual #1, RL #27, Green Lantern/Red Lanterns #28, RL #29-34, Supergirl #31)
Supergirl: Red Daughter of Krypton (Green Lantern/Red Lanterns #28, Supergirl 26-33)
Sinestro: The Demon Within (GL #23.4, Sinestro 1-5, Sinestro: Futures End #1)
Green Lantern: The Life Equation (GL Annual #3, GL #35-40, Secret Origins #3)
Green Lantern Corps: Reckoning (GLC #35-40)
New Guardians: Storming the Gates (GLNG #35-40)
Red Lanterns: Forged in Blood (RL 35-40, Red Lanterns: Futures End #1)
Larfleeze: The Face of Greed (Larfleeze #6-12)
Sinestro: Sacrifice (Sinestro Annual #1, Sinestro 6-11)
Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead (Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead #1 One Shot, GL #35-37, GLC 35-37, GLNG 35-37, RL 35-37, Sinestro 6-8, GL Annual #3)
Green Lantern: Renegade (GL Annual #4, GL #41-46)
Green Lantern: Lost Army (Green Lantern: Lost Army #1-5)
Sinestro: Rising (Lobo Annual 01, Lobo #10-11, Sinestro #12-15)
The Omega Men: The End is Here (The Omega Men #1-12)
Green Lantern: Reflections (GL #47-52)
Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion (Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #1-6)
Sinestro: The Fall of Sinestro (Sinestro #16-21)
Green Lanterns: Rage Planet (GLs Rebirth #1, GLs #1-6)
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: (HJGLC Rebirth #1, HJGLC #1-7)
Green Lanterns: The Phantom Lantern (GLs #7-14)
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: Bottled Light (HJGLC #8-13)
Green Lanterns: Polarity (GLs #15-21)
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: Quest for Hope (HJGLC #14-21)
Green Lantern: Legacy: The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan
Legends of the DC Universe: Green Lantern: Traitor
Green Lantern: Willworld
Green Lantern: 1001 Emerald Knights
Green Lantern versus Aliens
Green Lantern Movie Prequel: Abin Sur
Green Lantern Movie Prequel: Hal Jordan
Green Lantern Movie Prequel: Kilowog
Green Lantern Movie Prequel: Sinestro
Green Lantern Movie Prequel: Tomar-Re
*For a chronological reading order of Blackest Night:
Blackest Night: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #43
Blackest Night - Prologue: Death Becomes Us
Blackest Night - Part One
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps #39
Blackest Nigh: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #44
Blackest Night - Part Two
Blackest Nigh: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #45
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps - #40
Blackest Night - Part Three
Blackest Night: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #46
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps #41
Blackest Night: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #47
Blackest Night - Part Four
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps #42
Blackest Night: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #48
Blackest Night - Part Five
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps #43
Blackest Night: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #49
Blackest Night - Part Six
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps #44
Blackest Night: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #50
Blackest Night: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #51
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps #45
Blackest Night - Part Seven
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps #46
Blackest Night: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #52
Blackest Night - Part Eight
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps #47
You can read Tales of the Corps, Black Lantern Corps Vol. 1 & 2, and Rise of the Black Lantern somewhere in the middle of that order since they occur during Blackest Night.
Golden Age Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1 (GL 1, AAC 16-30)
Golden Age Green Lantern Archives Vol. 2 (GL 2-3, AAC 31-38)
Green Lantern Chronicles Volume 1 (Showcase 22-24, GL 1-3)
Green Lantern Chronicles Volume 2 (GL 4-9)
Green Lantern Chronicles Volume 3 (GL 10-16)
Green Lantern Chronicles Volume 4 (GL 17-22)
Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn (1-6)
Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II (1-6)
Green Lantern: The Road Back (GL 1-8)
Green Lantern: Ganthet's Tale SC
Superman: The Return of Superman (GL 46)
Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight and New Dawn (GL 48-55)
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time
Green Lantern: Baptism of Fire (GL 59, 66-75)
Green Lantern: Circle of Fire
Green Lantern: Emerald Allies (GL 76-77, 92)
The Final Night
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights (GL 99-106)
Day of Judgment
Green Lantern: New Journey, Old Path (GL 129-136)
Green Lantern: Power of Ion (GL 142-150)
Green Lantern: Brother’s Keeper (GL 151-155)
Green Lantern: Passing the Torch (GL 156, 158-161)
Green Lantern: Rebirth (1-6)
Green Lantern: No Fear (GL 1-6)
Green Lantern Corps: Recharge (1-5)
Green Lantern: Revenge of the Green Lanterns (GL 7-12)
Green Lantern Corps: To be a Green Lantern (GLC 1-6)
The Rann-Thanagar War
Infinite Crisis
Ion: The Torchbearer (1-6)
Ion: The Dying Flame (7-12)
Green Lantern: Wanted – Hal Jordan (GL 13-20)
Green Lantern Corps: The Dark Side of Green (GLC 7-13)
Green Lantern The Sinestro Corps War Vol. 1 (GL 21-23, GLC 14-15)
Green Lantern The Sinestro Corps War Vol. 2 (GL 24-25, GLC 17-19)
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War Vol. 3 – Tales of the Sinestro Corps
Green Lantern Corps: Ring Quest (GLC 20-26)
Green Lantern: Secret Origins (GL 29-35)
Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns (GL 26-28, GL 36-38)
Green Lantern Corps: Sins of the Star Sapphire (GLC 27-32)
Green Lantern: Agent Orange (GL 39- 42)
Green Lantern Corps: Emerald Eclipse (GLC 33-39)
Blackest Night* (BN 0-8)
Blackest Night: Green Lantern (GL 43-52)
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps (GLC 39-47)
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps (BN:TotC 1-3, GL 49, AC 4-5)
Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. 1 (BN:Bat 1–3, BN:Super #1–3 and BN: Titans 1–3)
Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. 2 (BN:WW 1-3, BN:JSA 1-3, BN:Flash 1-3)
Blackest Night: Rise of the Black Lantern (Shazam! 48, Catwoman 83, Question 37, Phantom 42, Western Tales 71, Atom & Hawkman 46, AC 7, GA 30, Starman 81)
Brightest Day Vol. 1 (BD 0-7)
Brightest Day Vol. 2 (BD 8-16)
Green Lantern Corps: Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns (GLC 21-22 & 48-52)
Brightest Day: Green Lantern (GL 53-62)
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors Vol. 1 (GL:EW 1-7)
Brightest Day Vol. 3 (BD 17-24)
Green Lantern Corps: The Weaponer (GLC 53-57)
Green Lantern: War of the Green Lanterns (GL 63-67, GLC 58-60, GL:EW 8-10)
War of the Green Lanterns: Aftermath (GLC 61-63, GL:EW 11-13, War Aftermath 1-2)
Justice League: Origin (JL 1-6)
Green Lantern: Sinestro (GL 1-6)
Red Lanterns: Blood and Rage (RL 1-7)
New Guardians: The Ring Bearer (GLNG 1-7)
Green Lantern Corps: Fearsome (GLC 1-7)
Justice League: The Villain's Journey (JL 7-12)
Green Lantern: The Revenge of Black Hand (GL Annual 2012 #1,7-12)
Red Lanterns: Death of the Red Lanterns (RL 8-12, Stormwatch #9)
New Guardians: Beyond Hope (GLNG 8-12, Blue Beetle #9)
Green Lantern Corps: Alpha War (GLC 8-14, Zero Issue)
Green Lantern: Rise of the Third Army (Green Lantern 13-14, GLC 13-15, GLNG 13-16, RL 13-16, GL 15-16, GLC #16, GLC Annual #1)
Green Lantern: The End (GL Zero Issue, GL 13-20)
Green Lantern Corps: Willpower (GLC Annual #1, GLC 15-20)
New Guardians: Love and Death (Green Lantern #20, GLNG Zero Issue, GLNG 13-20)
Red Lanterns: The Second Prophecy (Green Lantern #20, RL Zero Issue, RL 13-20)
Green Lantern: The Wrath of the First Lantern (Green Lantern 17-20, GLC 17-20, GLNG 17-20, RL 17-20)
Green Lantern: Dark Days (GL Annual #2, GL 21-23, GL 23.1-26)
Green Lantern Corps: Rebuild (GL Annual #2, GLC 21-27)
New Guardians: Gods and Monsters (GL Annual #2, GLNG 21-27)
Red Lanterns: Blood Brothers (GL Annual #2, RL 21-26)
Larfleeze: Revolt of the Orange Lanterns (Larfleeze 1-6, Threshold 1-5)
Green Lantern: Lights Out (GL Annual #2, GL 23.1-24, GLC #24, GLNG #23-24, RL #24)
Justice League: Forever Heroes (JL 24-29)
Green Lantern: Test of Wills (GL #27, Green Lantern/Red Lanterns #28, GL 29-34, GLC 31-33)
Green Lantern Corps: Uprising (GLC Annual #2, GL 31-33, GLC 28-34)
New Guardians: Godkillers (GLNG 28-34)
Red Lanterns: Atrocities (RL Annual #1, RL #27, Green Lantern/Red Lanterns #28, RL #29-34, Supergirl #31)
Supergirl: Red Daughter of Krypton (Green Lantern/Red Lanterns #28, Supergirl 26-33)
Sinestro: The Demon Within (GL #23.4, Sinestro 1-5, Sinestro: Futures End #1)
Green Lantern: The Life Equation (GL Annual #3, GL #35-40, Secret Origins #3)
Green Lantern Corps: Reckoning (GLC #35-40)
New Guardians: Storming the Gates (GLNG #35-40)
Red Lanterns: Forged in Blood (RL 35-40, Red Lanterns: Futures End #1)
Larfleeze: The Face of Greed (Larfleeze #6-12)
Sinestro: Sacrifice (Sinestro Annual #1, Sinestro 6-11)
Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead (Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead #1 One Shot, GL #35-37, GLC 35-37, GLNG 35-37, RL 35-37, Sinestro 6-8, GL Annual #3)
Green Lantern: Renegade (GL Annual #4, GL #41-46)
Green Lantern: Lost Army (Green Lantern: Lost Army #1-5)
Sinestro: Rising (Lobo Annual 01, Lobo #10-11, Sinestro #12-15)
The Omega Men: The End is Here (The Omega Men #1-12)
Green Lantern: Reflections (GL #47-52)
Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion (Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #1-6)
Sinestro: The Fall of Sinestro (Sinestro #16-21)
Green Lanterns: Rage Planet (GLs Rebirth #1, GLs #1-6)
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: (HJGLC Rebirth #1, HJGLC #1-7)
Green Lanterns: The Phantom Lantern (GLs #7-14)
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: Bottled Light (HJGLC #8-13)
Green Lanterns: Polarity (GLs #15-21)
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: Quest for Hope (HJGLC #14-21)
Green Lantern: Legacy: The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan
Legends of the DC Universe: Green Lantern: Traitor
Green Lantern: Willworld
Green Lantern: 1001 Emerald Knights
Green Lantern versus Aliens
Green Lantern Movie Prequel: Abin Sur
Green Lantern Movie Prequel: Hal Jordan
Green Lantern Movie Prequel: Kilowog
Green Lantern Movie Prequel: Sinestro
Green Lantern Movie Prequel: Tomar-Re
*For a chronological reading order of Blackest Night:
Blackest Night: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #43
Blackest Night - Prologue: Death Becomes Us
Blackest Night - Part One
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps #39
Blackest Nigh: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #44
Blackest Night - Part Two
Blackest Nigh: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #45
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps - #40
Blackest Night - Part Three
Blackest Night: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #46
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps #41
Blackest Night: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #47
Blackest Night - Part Four
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps #42
Blackest Night: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #48
Blackest Night - Part Five
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps #43
Blackest Night: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #49
Blackest Night - Part Six
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps #44
Blackest Night: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #50
Blackest Night: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #51
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps #45
Blackest Night - Part Seven
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps #46
Blackest Night: Green Lantern - Green Lantern #52
Blackest Night - Part Eight
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps - Green Lantern Corps #47
You can read Tales of the Corps, Black Lantern Corps Vol. 1 & 2, and Rise of the Black Lantern somewhere in the middle of that order since they occur during Blackest Night.