Wing Commander Aces Theatre 3000

Founded to ridicule poor PBMs in the Wing Commander Aces.

Completed Projects:

BTB: Ready or Not.... by Josh "Mastermind" Sholes

HTL: Surprise, Surprise (that we could read it without developing brain
tumors, that's a surprise...)

The Return: Oh Joy! Bruce Tannock rides again!

Achernar's WCATing of Tannock's Unknown Enemy...he did the whole damn thing
by himself, and it's pretty good.

WCAT: The Tiger Hunt, Part 12. Have yourself a tub of Ragputty!

WCAT: The Uncommon Front, Part 1. He just never dies...

WCAT: The Return, Part 3. Somehow, he survives...

Don't email us with insults, flames, or complaints. We don't care, and your mail will surely
be mocked. In fact, we take no responsibility for any ill fortune that befalls your computer
after that.

If you find a story you feel deserves WCATing, you're free to submit your own work. Or you can WCAT something yourself. Either way, send it here.

Read our FAQ...not that anybody ever sends us questions. They do send us some porn, but that's Mav's fault...

People do send us their comments though. Read it all...from Aussie insults to regretful past members.

Read our theme song. It's entirely original. Honest.

A member of AceNet:


Wing Commander Aces Theatre 3000 is not affiliated with Mystery Science Theatre 3000....similarities in numbers and name should be written off to bad acid. We are entirely affiliated with the Aces, which according to most people is where our kind of scum belongs. We are all duly licensed by the government to do whatever the hell we please. Plagiarism lawsuits will not work, Bruce, because we are altering your "story" from its original form. It's no different than putting a clock in a waffle iron. Due to first amendment protection of satire, we can post all the stories we want. Copyright 1997-2002, the WCAT crew.

The Crew:

Icehawk- Jason
Avatarr- Av
Maverick- Mav-ham
Atsuko- Atsuko
Wildfire- Wervo
Assassin- Assass
Doc- Doc
Klip- Klip
Psychopath- Masterbating Midshipman