Lvl: 3

Group Affialtion: Sinestro Corps
Sector: 1870
Home Planet: Umaco-Prime
Height: 7 ft 7 in
Weight: 210 lbs
Eyes: Black, but show white under mask.
Skin: Dark red / Scaley

Fear: 6
Focus: 5
Creativity: 4
Physical Strenght: 3
Health: 14

Constructs: Large Sythe / man-eating animal from his planet * / Large Boulder / Chains
Signature Construct: Desert Giant **
Alien Power: Can withstand great heat because how how close his home planet is to it's sun.

About the size of a large dog.
Pretty much looks like that...but yellow and made of energy.

Can be anywhere from 50 to 100 feet tall. This creature has been known to take out whole villages in not time at all.