My goal with this is to show the credentials for Absolute Edition treatment instead of telling you; people would obviously complain on points left out. So disclaimer: This is my opinion people, its not fact but I'd like to believe I know what makes a damn good thorough story.
So here we go:
Collecting: JLA #16-17, 34-41
Grant Morrison tells a by-the-numbers story before it was cool to do so. The JLA are in almost perfect form when they have to deal with a prison break, the scheming Lex Luthor and his new partner, the deadly Prometheus. Did I mention the true villain turns everyone on Earth against each other? Featuring New Gods, outer space adventures, a young heroe's triumph, and even Aquaman!
Collecting: Green Arrow: LongBow Hunters #1-3; Green Arrow #7, 9-12, 19-24
Here we collect writer Mike Grell's critically acclaimed LongBow Hunters mini and combine it with two outstanding story arcs from his long run that followed. Including an issue simply titled "Black Canary", every base of Ollie Queen is covered. This is absolutely the best representation of Green Arrow.
Collecting: Batman #655-658, 663-669, 672-681; DC Universe #0
Once again Grant Morrison shows up on the list. This time providing one of the greatest stories from the mind of world's greatest HERO. This collection is examining the life of Bruce Wayne, giving the origins of the forgotten son, manipulation of the mind, Gotham City scandals, and just why Batman is Batman in 22 issues.
Collecting: The Flash #182-188, 197-200, 220-225
Though I disagree with the decision, Geoff Johns definitely intrigued me with Green Lantern: Rebirth. To me, it didn't have the characterization and emotional impact that his Flash stories had. Collecting 4 arcs from his highly recommended run, this Absolute Edition provides plenty of action, plenty of Flash, and of course plenty of Rogues! Throw in cameos from Jay Garrick, the original Flash, Impulse the speedster in training, and the Secret of the now-rebirthed Barry Allen, and you have the perfect Flash collection. Starring Wally West of course.
Collecting: Seven Soldiers #0-1, Shining Knight #1-4, The Guardian #1-4, Zatanna #1-4, Klarion #1-4, Mister Miracle #1-4, Bulleteer #1-4, Frankenstein #1-4
I wonder if my bias is showing yet? In this 30 issue collection, each story stands alone as a solid tale that combines for one extraordinary read that you'll never forget. The two Seven Soldiers issues provide a prologue and ending to the collection as an entire tale. Each soldier has a unique perspective from depression, fame, ignorance, revenge to bliss. Featuring art from some of the industry's best: J.H. Williams III, Cameron Stewart, Ryan Sook and Doug Mahnke among others.
Collecting: The Question #1-18
Not the most dynamic storytelling or the most amazing art, but O'Neil and Cowan tell a true adventure. Jump side by side with Vic Sage aka The Question. This is a classic page-turner. You'll miss so many elements of great scenes by Cowan out of simple will to see what happens next!
Collecting: Gotham Central #1-10, 12-15, 23-24, 33-36, 38-40
If I thought you could handle it, I would add more than these 23 issues. Leaving out one of my favorite arcs, this collection has so much realistic emotion that is so rare in the DCU and superhero comics in general. Ed Brubaker and Greg Rucka write from the prospective of Gotham City's finest police. These stories not only tell of a typical cops mind but that of a police force full of many relationships. Did I mention Robin(s!) die?
Collecting: Detective Comics #854-862
Why? Because there are few artists in the industry you could even mention in the same breathe as J.H. Williams III and that's of ALL TIME. Why? Because for every dynamic visual Kate Kane is shown in, Greg Rucka increases the ante. The story of Batwoman is NOT the story of Kate Kane, and that is another reason why this collection is so deserving. Writer Greg Rucka is on his "A" game here and things really get interesting once Gotham Central star Renee Montoya enters the picture. This isn't lipstick lesbian fan service comics. This is pure gold. Pure and RAW, all at once.
Collecting: Final Crisis #1-7; Final Crisis: Submit #1;Final Crisis: Superman Beyond #1-2; Final Crisis: Resist #1
Final Crisis encompasses everything the DCU has to offer. From Godly characters to government officials to Japan's young superhero team. A true crisis as evil takes its final stand over Earth and attempts to bring on the 5th world. The planet is enslaved, there is no hope. The big guns have been dealt with, and only a few heroes are left to fight as their backs are against the wall. Time shifts and evil wins. This is Final Crisis.
And with that, I'll end this article. Maybe another day I will add more of DC's deserving stories. Hopefully even more will be added to such a great list of choices, if I do say so myself.