I'll be honest here. I have bought every Final Crisis issues, and all tie in books EXCEPT "Superman:Beyond 3D" . The 3D did scare me away, and despite the good reviews on that first issue, I have had no will to go and pick it up. I say this to unfortunately prove that it is a waste of money. The start FC #6 tells us why Superman has been gone for so long, but not exactly what he has been doing. It also shows us that he's about to make his return...soon. It was really flat, and easily the worst/boring part of the issue. Honestly, I've skipped it in the 3 times that I've re-read it.
DESPITE those boring first 3 or 4 pages, Final Crisis #6 is amazing. It brought me into the DCU as it was ending. The quick paced storytelling by Grant Morrison does nothing but astound me. It shifts to another scene to an equally big moment, giving you the entire scope of New Earth as things are going on. My complete run down of the issue can be found Here.
I would like to point out my favorite moments in this issue, excluding the death of Batman. Its a subject that deserves it's own blog and I want to do it justice(though my rant on Wally/Barry will come before that...Hell, maybe even a podcast??) First highlight of the issue had to be Black Canary beating the daylights out of Ollie, it was just two issues ago where Ollie sacrificed his safety to let that group escape. It was very well done. The next moment would probably be Supergirl/Mary Marvel...very nice looking. It left me wanting so much more. Tawny versus Kalibak was awesome as well. Maskless Barry Allen was pretty cool, but not as great as stern faced Wally bragging about outrunning death. The Metron/Nix Uotan pages where the panels...are panels for Nix. And then of course the rage of Superman was sooooo good. Love it, its just so furious and the reaction I would want to see from Superman.
Final Rating: 5/5
Other Comics This Week:
Action Comics #873- 4/5 The last "New Krypton" story for the time being. Pretty good.
Faces of Evil:Prometheus- 3/5 Didn't like, but it wasn't terrible. Batman's decision to let MM mindwipe Pro was a terrible writing decision. So,I'll be ignoring that.
Green Lantern Corps- 3.5/5 Kyle did his thing, and that was nice,and the SS Miri was nice too. I like her. lol
GA/BC #16- 2/5 Meryll was good, then he sucked. Could have been a lot better. Art needs a bit of touch as well.
Nightwing #152- 4.5/5 Dick versus Ra's. It was a nice nod to when Bruce did his thing(shirtless,lol) against Ra's. I love Ra's so this was a no brainer...and the art...Beautiful.
See you next week where we get...nothing. It'll be a very short week for me. I might pick up Birds of Prey and Deathstroke oneshot, but so far the only pulls are Green Lantern and Robin.
And you're a week late!