Please allow me to get the negatives out the way right now: Dustin Nguyen's art was uncharacteristically terribly inconsistent throughout this issue. It hurt the overall tone of the book. Subtracting from that though, this is the first issue (that I can remember)where he uses bright colors and imagery. They really worked well with the location of the book.
As for the story itself..I had no choice but to like it. Paul Dini has been good/excellent this year..excuse me, in 2008. At first, I found it very frustrating that his tie-in to RIP on Detective Comics seemed to contradict what was going on in the main title...Now that its over, everything isn't crystal clear(as it should be) but you can get a pretty good idea of where his tie-in fit into Batman continuity.
A summary of the issue can be found here:
And yes I know its pretty lazy to link to another post for my PotW, but unfortunately writing those summaries is exhausting and not to mention it features my commentary thrown in. Eventually more of you will read this blog, and I'll improve the quality of my reviews when you do. Until then, I'll direct you to my various threads in the Other Comics section, when it is relevant.
Final Rating: 3.95/5
Other Books This Week:
Vixen: Return of the Lion #4- 3/5 As I thought, its a basic revenge origin story, and the climax comes(lol) next month. I want my money back, the art does improve the story.
Black Lightning: Year One #1- 3/5 Great story, this looks like a very good take on BL(despite a small retcon, but I'm nitpicking). TERRIBLE art. Ruined the book for me. Its not the worst ever, but it does suck.
Solomon Grundy #1- 3/5 Decent story, and the art by Scott Kollins really fits perfectly with Grundy.
X-Men: Noir #2- 2/5 Art over story must be the theme this week. Story sucks, and this is not as good as people said it would be. Am I going to be a lot more selective with my recommendations.
See you next week where we get a flurry of potentially great books like Final Crisis #6, Nightwing #152, Action Comics #873, GLC #32, and the Prometheus one shot(?) that leads into the new JL book.
Flipped through Black Lightning at the shop, and the art persuaded me to put it back on the shelf.
My shop didn't get the Solomon Grundy one shot, but I've since learned it leads into the mini series which I have no desire to follow.
X-Men Noir is something I didn't have any interest in to begin with same with Spider-Man Noir.
See ya next week.