Welcome to Issue #2 of Movie News from W. West. A place where you can find breaking news about the movie industry and small interesting tidbits complete with my own personal feelings...like this:

As the hype for The Dark Knight dies down, the very talented actor Robert Downey Jr. is convinced Iron Man 2 will be just as spectacular as the first. Here's what Downey Jr. had to say about what to expect from the metal man's future endeavors(courtesy of IESB.net):

“Our goals are more of the same. The idea that he said he’s Iron Man in part 1…it’s one thing to say it, and it’s another thing to actually evolve to the point where you can live in a heroic fashion. You know, they say, ‘The superhero movie always needs to follow…’ and I said who is that guy? Get him out of here! We want to do what worked for us last time, in a way that evolves. We’re talking about a guy who is put in an extraordinary circumstance, and the people that are around him, and how that creates a sense of family, and how that disrupts whatever forces that we have to say that are working [in his life]. I like the idea of an Iron Man 2 that you’re able to understand various points of view. You’re able to touch on some subjects that are a lot more far reaching, while still grounding it in entertainment.”

Personally, I'm not a huge Iron Man fan. I just don't see the amazement with a guy in a metal suit saving the day...I'd much rather have Gundams... But I definitely enjoyed Iron Man, in all its SFX glory...I especially loved his house, just great. Wayne Manor, eat your heart out(until he gets that Brother Eye running that is)

Well, that's all I have for now...Check back soon though, for every post to this blog is a good one, if I do say so myself. Check everyone's blog while you're at, then maybe you'll be inspired to post one yourself.