First off, let me start by saying hello. While I may be new to this message board I am very familiar with it and am an avid fan of GL. I have been reading GL since I was 4 yrs old and my Dad bought me my first issue. Hal was my favorite character when I would watch old Super Friend's episodes so getting into the comics wasn't a huge stretch. I've always enjoyed reading it, reading it now takes me to a good place and is the one constant I have had for almost 2 decades. I'm am from South Texas, 25 minutes from the border. My whole life I have been a sports fanatic, but am particularly drawn to soccer and football. I'm also an avid game. Nowadays I spend most of my time researching for a thesis I am writing here in my last semester of college. I am a proud Frater of Tau Kappa Epsilon International Fraternity; I constantly strive to advance my values through community service and raising money for St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital. I am a family man who spends most of his time with his brother and several friends who are like my brothers. And that is me in a nut shell.

Future blogs will be either about an event that has occurred in my life or what I think of the universe I have come to know and love for the past 18 years that is the GL mythos. Beware my power, Green Lanterns light!