Anyway, you did some nice coverage here, Sylent. A lot of cool pics, as per usual, and I always like that you caption each one. Makes it more comprehensive and fun to read.
On the topic of this merchant you supposedly see everywhere, just pony up and buy something from him to get him off your back.
That retro video game room looked sweeeeet! I would KILL to have been in there.
Nice haul on the Yu-Gi-Oh tourney, dude! Congrats!
Wow, a LACK of cosplayers at a convention? Talk about bizarre... oh, and don't tell me that guy in that pic was the type to force himself into it, cause that would just ruin it for me, and I'm sure you as well.
BILLY WEST!!!!! -->
That guy with the photos who flipped-out on you... it's both funny and sad what you said about him.
And, of course, the swag... as I said before, that's a nice haul you got there. Kudos on the good deal on the Red Skull.
Great job on the blog this time around, bro. You almost made me want to be there myself.
Hey, Blogspot is great! It would be nice if you could do more things like rotate photos. Also, the backgrounds are weak. It would be cool if you could choose your own wallpaper because what they have kind of sucks.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm kind of behind on my blogging. Work has been busy and I just don't have the time or motivation anymore.
About the cosplayers, there were a few, I guess, but they weren't really in costumes. They wore long dresses with a colored wig and that was about it. There were 2 hotties walking around like that and I contemplated taking their pics, but decided against it. There was another hottie walking around that appeared to be a Filipino/White hybrid with pretty, smooth legs and a boomin' backside. She was beautiful and exotic-looking! I stole a snapshot of her for my personal collection.
Bastard! Put it on the Inter-webs for the world to see!
At any rate, I appreciate you taking the time to blog about it. Looked like a cool, little con and it's great you had a good time. 'Course, I would, too, if I walked away with that much shit.
Anyway, you did some nice coverage here, Sylent. A lot of cool pics, as per usual, and I always like that you caption each one. Makes it more comprehensive and fun to read.
On the topic of this merchant you supposedly see everywhere, just pony up and buy something from him to get him off your back.
That retro video game room looked sweeeeet! I would KILL to have been in there.
Nice haul on the Yu-Gi-Oh tourney, dude! Congrats!
Wow, a LACK of cosplayers at a convention? Talk about bizarre... oh, and don't tell me that guy in that pic was the type to force himself into it, cause that would just ruin it for me, and I'm sure you as well.
That guy with the photos who flipped-out on you... it's both funny and sad what you said about him.
And, of course, the swag... as I said before, that's a nice haul you got there. Kudos on the good deal on the Red Skull.
Great job on the blog this time around, bro. You almost made me want to be there myself.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm kind of behind on my blogging. Work has been busy and I just don't have the time or motivation anymore.
About the cosplayers, there were a few, I guess, but they weren't really in costumes. They wore long dresses with a colored wig and that was about it. There were 2 hotties walking around like that and I contemplated taking their pics, but decided against it. There was another hottie walking around that appeared to be a Filipino/White hybrid with pretty, smooth legs and a boomin' backside. She was beautiful and exotic-looking! I stole a snapshot of her for my personal collection.
At any rate, I appreciate you taking the time to blog about it. Looked like a cool, little con and it's great you had a good time. 'Course, I would, too, if I walked away with that much shit.