I've never been to an Anime Convention before, but heard nothing but good things about the Fanime in San Jose so I decided to check this Con out.
The lines to get in were absolutely insane!

Even Pedobear was on hand to see some nice, ripe, young cosplaying asian ass... and if you like cosplay, this is the show for you!

This show was ALL about cosplay. Comparatively speaking with the ComicCon, this show had 3 times the cosplayers.
Registration was quick and simple as it was a DIY check-in. You scanned your print out and they called your name for a badge. We were in and out in less than 5 minutes. ComicCon should take some tips.

In no time flat, we were on our way. I got my pass with my name on it and I was ready to hit the convention floor... and yes! My REAL name is Sylent.

The crowds were nuts!

The vendors had all kinds of merchandise from Godzilla to Transformers and T-shirts to Love Pillows. Seriously.

One guy even had DCUC figures!!

Almost every seller's table/set-up looked like this:

There were T&A toys EVERYWHERE!!
The Artist's Alley had some really cool set-ups with some awesome work displayed:

The best part of the Anime expo were the cosplayers... and it seemed that every 3rd person was sporting some kind of outfit.

These chicks were giving out some kind of Fruit Chew Candy.

They even had their own King.

This was a popular outfit. There were all kinds of variations of this outfit with different colors.

These chicks are okay, but for some reason, that blue hair is alluring.

I tried to get my wife to buy one of those colored wigs, but she wasn't having it.
This guy had a cool outfit.

Same with this chick.

Mario and Luigi! There were several Mario and Luigi's wandering around.

Even the Bruthaz and Sistaz were into it!

Afro Samuari!!

I didn't expect to see any Marvel or DC characters, but everyone came out for this show!


Robin & Batgirl

Deadpool popping Wolverine.


Iron Woman?!?

Ice Climber!!

I just had to get into one of these pics.

There were quite a few Chun Li characters walking around.

...and a Zangief!!

as well as Akuma.

I didn't know what half the characters were supposed to be, but they looked cool. This chick was cute.

I didn't know what the hell this guy was supposed to be, but he made me laugh.

There were a few Mech suit guys walking around as well.

The Geisha's were pretty popular.

By far, the hotties were my favorites.

This girl was freaking adorable! She took photos for at least 10 minutes in one spot. Every horny dude with a camera stopped to shoot a capture of her... and you can see why.

She looks like a younger, lighter-skinned Alexis Love.

This chick was hot.

I was so hoping for a wardrobe malfunction.

Even Star Wars characters were in attendance.

There were several groups of Samurai.

Even got to see Zach and Jason from the Might Morphin Power Rangers show!

...and got to take a pic with them.

Overall, we had a pretty good time. Just about everyone in costume was cool about taking pics in addition to the couple of semi-celebs on hand. Zach from the Power Rangers was really cool and down to Earth. It's just too bad I only took about 3/4 of the pics I wanted to take. Towards the end of the day, my camera was running out of juice so I had to conserve energy and only take shots from people that had good outfits. I think next time I'll take my charger AND my spare digital camera to ensure I take all the shots I want. Hopefully, this is just a taste of things to come.
I even walked away with an uber cool Robotech Wall Scroll for my Man cave:

and a poster tube for my next convention.

Next stop SDCC 2010!!
Zangrief is pretty funny.