Yes? Then join the cause! Make sure this retched image that's etched in our minds and plastered into our very souls is never seen again in the signature of our own fearless2814.1! A simple response to this blog will suffice as your e-signature. We ONLY need 100 signatures (from different members) so respond now and end Bromance forever! Down with oppression! Down with Bromance! Join the cause! JOIN THE REVOLUTION!!

Join me, my friends! Join me in the quest to rid our forum of Bromance and make sure it never again sees the light of day! Help put Bromance into the ground next to Abin Sur for all eternity... and then... ONLY THEN... We shall have peace. Thank you and good night!
I am Sylent Asassin and I approve this message.
I also want to see an end to pony and arrow-to-the-knee memes.