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Robert Jordan's Wheel Of Time Comics

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  • Robert Jordan's Wheel Of Time Comics

    Finally we have official word on these books. A prologue Issue has been announced, It ships in April and begins the series.

    From Dable Brothers Publishing
    Robert Jordan's The Wheel Of Time: The Eye Of The World #0
    by Chuck Dixon, Robert Jordan & Chase Conley

    Regular Cover

    Previews Exclusive Cover

    Taken from
    At long last, the Dabel Brothers proudly bring you the adaptation of Robert Jordan's epic fantasy masterwork: The Wheel of Time. The saga begins here with the "Fall of the Dragon" and the "Breaking of the World" in this prelude issue to the ongoing series. This edition is available with Regular and PREVIEWS Exclusive covers.
    I'm really excited about this as it is going to include the whole prologue of the novel and more I would assume. I was afraid it would have been shortened to fit in the first few pages of the first issue. I'll post larger pics and preview pages as they become available.

    Owned by Natu
    Last edited by Darth_Andrea; 02-15-2009, 03:09 PM.

  • #2
    My condolensces...


    • #3
      Little quote about this series from Chuck Dixon's Message Board

      It's gonna be loooooooooongggg adaptation before we're through.
      Basically figure a chapter per issue. The Dabel's are giving LOTS of room to stretch. NO Classics Illustrated abridging here.
      Given the events that happen in some chapters I don't know if a standard 28 page comic could cover a single chapter well, but we will see This dose mean though we know how many issues this series will be, 54 including the prologue #0 issue.

      Owned by Natu
      Last edited by Darth_Andrea; 01-30-2009, 10:21 PM.


      • #4

        Taken From

        The Dabel Brothers will be attending NY Comic Con this weekend (Feb 7-8) where they will make at least one announcement related to their production of the WHEEL OF TIME graphic novels.

        If you are going to be at NY Comic Con this weekend, be sure to stop by the Dabel Brothers’s booth. Their booth number is 1523.

        In anticipation of the event, they sent us these sample covers which you can see below. (Click to enlarge)

        The image of Rand is by Seamas Gallagher, and the Fade was done by Jeremy Saliba. Both artists are long-time fans of the series, and they often collaborate together on projects.

        these are very cool covers for Issue #1 and really catch the feel a scene in the first chapter of the book

        Owned by Natu
        Last edited by Darth_Andrea; 05-25-2009, 01:57 AM.


        • #5
          Taken from

          Release Plans for 'Wheel of Time'
          Comics and Graphic Novels
          Published: 02/09/2009 05:11pm

          First Issue Cover A

          Tor and Dabel Brother Publishing have announced their plans for the comic and graphic novel adaptations of the first of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time books (see “Dabels To Adapt Wheel of Time”). First up is the final three comic issues of New Spring, the prequel to the Wheel of Time series. Issues #6, #7, and #8 will begin releasing on a monthly basis in April from Dabel Brothers.

          The New Spring graphic novel is due out in November from Tor, with bonus material including developmental art, pages from scripts, and correspondence between Jordan and writer Chuck Dixon. It will feature a new cover by Michael Kormarck.

          Dabel Brothers will kick off their comic adaptation of The Eye of the World, the first volume in the Wheel of Time series, with Dragonmount #0, a prequel and lead-in comic, in April, and The Eye of the World #1 in May. The series will be written by Chuck Dixon, with art by Chase Conley.

          The first Eye of the World graphic novel, which will collect the first six issues of the comic series, will be published by Tor in July 2010, with bonus material and new cover art. Subsequent volumes will be released roughly every nine months.

          Universal has acquired movie rights to the series (see “Universal Acquires Wheel of Time”).
          Good to finally get some details...though I'm still a bit erked that Dable hasn't put any of this on their own website.

          Owned by Natu
          Last edited by Darth_Andrea; 02-15-2009, 05:02 PM.


          • #6
            Taken From

            Tor Books is proud to publish the New Spring graphic novel in November 2009. The Dabel Bros. will be adding special bonus material to the book, including developmental art, pages from scripts, and correspondence between Robert Jordan and Chuck Dixon. New Spring the graphic novel will also have a stunning, brand new, fully painted cover by artist Michael Kormarck.

            Tor will publish the first Eye of the World graphic novel in July 2010. This graphic novel will collect the first 6 issues of the Eye of the World comic book and will feature similar bonus material and added content from the Dabels, as well as striking new cover art. Future graphic novel collections will be released on a regular basis, approximately every nine months.
            All around awesome news as far as I am concerned



            • #7
              Dable Brothers has finaly posted a preview of the upcoming Eye Of The World Comic.

              Dabel Brothers Publishing is proud to provide a sneak peak of the first 10 inked pages to "The Wheel of Time: Eye of the World #0 - Dragonmount", with art by Chase Conley. The series is being adapted to comics by Chuck Dixon.

              The Wheel of Time saga begins here with the "Fall of the Dragon" and the "Breaking of the World" in this prelude issue to the ongoing series. Look for a full digitally painted and lettered preview of these pages in the coming weeks.
              Book hits the shelves on April 29th
              Click the pic to enlarge

              I'm loving these pages can't wait to see full color versions.

              Owned by Natu
              Last edited by Darth_Andrea; 03-24-2009, 05:29 PM.


              • #8
                Chase Conley the main artists on the Eye Of The World Comics was interviewed by

                March 25th, 2009 by Damon | Filed under Comic Book, Fantasy, Interview.

                An interview that focuses on the art end of making graphic novels is what we have for everyone today. BSC is excited to bring you an interview with Chase Conley, the artist working on the graphic novel adaptation of The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan that is being published by The Dabel Brothers.

                As many of you know I am a big fan of the work being done by The Dabel Brothers and always make it a point to chat with them at NY Comic Con. This interview was already marinating for me during that time so I was mighty happy to get this one started. I want to also thank Rob who is our resident Wheel of Time expert who came up with the bulk of the questions for Chase. Make sure to also check out the first 10 pages
                to the forthcoming The Wheel of Time: Eye of the World:#0 Dragonmount! Now without further ado…

                BSC - Chase, can you give us a brief introduction about your previous work and why do you think you were chosen for such a huge fantasy project?

                Chase - Well, I’ve done a little bit of everything. I’ve done some design gigs, page layouts, some traditional work and some fully digital work. I believe this made me a very well rounded artist and allowed to flesh out the best process for type of work. The Dabels know that I’m a pretty well polished artist. I also love fantasy, and I have done countless fantasy character and environment designs over the years. Truthfully, anything holding a sword is fun to draw. I took this as a huge challenge. I love to push my limits and what better opportunity to do that besides designing hundreds of different characters and place them in believable environments. If I was going to work on a fantasy project, I have to make it mine visually. Even though there are a lot parameters I have to stay inside of, that’s another part of the challenge, to make it cool and stay true to the source material.

                BSC - How familiar were you with WoT before you started this project? If so who killed Asmodean? What has been your favorite part of the series so far?

                I worked at a book store for 2 years, and coincidentally my manager was a huge Wheel of Time fan. He suggested I read the first book about 3 years ago. Thats as far as I’ve gotten actually. Since the characters evolve in every book, I try to stay on track with the script. I am hearing from many fans that the death of Asmodean is a huge mystery that’s spawned many theories.

                BSC - Do you think WoT would make a good movie? Or is a graphic adaptation the way to go?

                Chase - I believe anything is possible. It all depends on the strength of the vision. I can see just about anything as a movie, given the proper budget lol. The Wheel of time is such a fleshed out vision, it would automatically be ahead of the curve if it were to go to Hollywood. The beauty of the graphic novel is the ability to draw out scenes to give them more weight and meaning. Some things are always gonna look better in the form of a comic, but some things are just gonna look better in motion.

                BSC - What was the hardest scene to draw for The Eye of the World?

                Chase - I wouldn’t say anything is hard. You find fun in everything. Sometimes things get a little tedious to draw but you have to take a break and come back fresh. I view it as, the more to have to do to complete a piece, the more grand it will be upon completion. There is no feeling in the world better than admiring some grand piece you worked really hard on. You feel this excellent sense of accomplishment that I can’t compare to anything else.

                BSC - How do you visualizing channelling?

                Chase - I picture a channeller (male or female) beginning to focus as the air around them seems to ripple and bend. I see sparks of light begin to float toward them, much like the way the Sub-Zero focuses in the original Mortal Kombat movie, minus the martial arts stance lol (1:30 secs in this clip).

                Now here’s where the genders differ. Once an Aes Sedai woman begins to touch the source, the sparks begin to weave around and outwards according to their hand gestures to form intricate patterns, not necessarily symmetrical, but beautiful all the same. A slight flick of the wrist could change the direction of the energy, like an IPOD commercial on steroids. The more powerful the woman, more intricate and grand the pattern would become. The personality of the channeller should also be reflected in the type of pattern that forms. It could be more soft and curvy for a more gentler spirit, or it could be an edgy sharp pattern for the darker individuals. It’s something to play with.

                For men the One Power would weave the form of a more crude, edgier pattern, somewhat thicker and heavy handed in its a approach to directly suggest the fact that women can manipulate the One Power more gracefully. It also makes it more impressive when you see a man with more fine and intricately woven auras and effects because you know he HAS to be extremely powerful to manipulate it so easily.

                BSC - Are Jordan’s descriptions good to work with for The Eye of the World? Some of the critics think Jordan becomes awfully descriptive in later books but not so much in the first three or so.

                Chase - I always say the more description, the bigger the artistic shackles. But in some cases, it’s nice to have a direction. When something is too vague, it’s leaves it too open-ended and people get disappointed when you don’t visualize it the way they do. When it comes to locales, and architecture, the more descriptive the better. Same goes for characters, though, I believe when you are translating written word to visual mediums, you have to be able to bend the rules because everything doesn’t have the same impact (ie. Superhero Spandex). With Eye of the World, we are sticking pretty closely to the source material. There’s hasn’t been anything that’s given me too much trouble because Jordan’s super in-depth vision is extremely fleshed out. He really took time to think about and describe things that other people would shy away from and I think that’s what makes this such a rich experience. You become absorbed in it and I think that’s something that today’s fantasy is lacking, which is substance.

                BSC - Trollocs come in many shapes. What would the meanest looking Trolloc look like?

                Chase - Well, my personal favorites to draw would be the more feral Wolf Trollocs. You just can’t get any nastier than that patented snarl.

                BSC - While drawing some of the work did you ever make a mistake that you had to come back to because someone pointed out that is not the color of something or that the description of something is contrary to what you had drawn?

                Chase - Oh of course. You rarely hit the nail on the head the first time. There have been times when I follow the descriptions perfectly, and once they see the visualization, the powers that be may decide it should be revised because it just doesn’t work that well. I didn’t work too much on the colors of this series in order to give the colorist more of an opportunity to put their stamp on this project as well. They might have a certain palette they would like to use and my color choices might not match with their vision. But yeah, I make mistakes all the time, it happens. There are those cases when you just flat out nail something and that’s a real confidence builder.

                BSC - How do you draw an ageless face?

                Chase - Well, I was approached with this question when I agreed to do the series. I think the key is in the eyes mainly. The eyes have to give the impression that they have seen many, many things. They cant have that same glimmer that a child’s eyes would have because by now they are products of this world, which isn’t as happy as a child’s. You have to find that ‘grey area’ or ‘happy medium’ that shows the effects of gravity on the face, especially in the cheekbones. You want to give it somewhat of a lifeless look, because ageing is a part of life, you want the face to have the same feeling as a porcelain doll’s. It should look too perfect. Nothing ever out of place, no wrinkles, minimal expression. I think the color has a lot to do with that as well and the lighting that the face is shown in. It’s all about proper planning and placement. Who knew it would take sooo much thought to make a face look ageless.

                BSC - The Ways … there was a Wheel of Time PC game a long time ago that managed to visualize the creepy atmosphere in the ways rather well. How do you translate a shapeless, black evil to a picture?

                Chase - The soundtrack for that game is a hidden gem. The eerie sounds place you there. I see the ways as another version of the world as we know it. They were once a beautiful place to travel. The tainting of that path should that the form of an endless fog with barely recognizable shapes. I mean fog so black that it almost resembles a creamy smoke that you maneuver through. Thick endless clouds in ur path that feel as if you were walking through the ink of an octupus in the water. Or the inky atmosphere Ken and Ryu fight through during the intro to Street Fighter 4 mixed with the concept of Hell in the Constantine movie. Combine all those elements and you’ll be walking through the ways. It should be like nothing ever seen before. A rift where it looks as if everything is moving around you, but it total stillness…..Very creepy.

                BSC - If you had to draw a scene from the Final Battle for the cover of A Memory of Light what would it look like?

                Chase - Since A Memory of Light would wrap up many loose ends from this series, I would probably do some sort of surrealistic montage to represent every book in the series. Maybe have one battle scene that at first glance looks one way, but take parts of the battle and place them in different times, so its like a battle outside of the realm of time. With some characters looking how they did in previous books and have another part of the battle showing how they look later in the series. It would be absolutely huge. Does that make sense?

                BSC - What do you think about Sanderson writing the final novel? If you were to pick up and finish a classic graphic novel from a huge name artist how would you feel?

                Chase - I would be confident. I mean, of course there is always pressure to not disappoint, but you have to remember you were chosen for a reason. If the powers that be didn’t feel you were capable, you wouldn’t be in the position to finish someone else’s work. At the end of the day, you can only do your best. With the extensive notes created over the years, it would be much easier than taking a shot in the dark. I have faith, as a true fan of the series, I’m sure he reflects most of the basics wants that another fan would.

                BSC - We’d like to think Mr. Chase Conley for joining us at Bookspot Central. You can learn more about the Wheel of Time Comics at the Dabel Brothers’ website.

                About Chase Conley: Since I was a child, I would draw to pass the time. When I wasn’t outside with friends I was drawing. In about third grade I discovered comics. I was hooked from that point on. I went to the middle school of the arts where I was introduced to fine art at a very young age and this became another love of mine. I loved the hands-on work we did there, and I was exposed to many different forms of art at a very early age. This helped in my growth and kept me motivated to be the best because of my competitive nature. I continued to pursue art through high school and landed a few portrait gigs during my time in school, once I realized you could make money having fun, I just got focused and made sure i was as well-rounded as possible so I could take on any opportunity that presented itself. Portraits are rather boring sometimes, so comics and anime were still my escape. I love to tell stories visually, and do so to this day. I practice everyday to sharpen my storytelling abilities, and eventually it lead me to meeting the Dabel Brothers. They gave me a shot, and I’m trying to make the best of it.



                • #9
                  I may pick this up, I didn't read the books, but this could hook me up to do so


                  • #10
                    The novels are great reads. The plots are so thick and intertwined that your never sure whats coming next or when it's going to come. The comics are going to be a great gateway for people to get into the novels. It's kinda why I have been posting all this info. To get people interested in the comics and novels.



                    • #11
                      Hmmm...I have been book-less for a while. I will give them a try


                      • #12
                        New Preview images have come out, the same as above but fully painted.

                        Click to enlarge

                        Owned by Natu
                        Last edited by Darth_Andrea; 04-16-2009, 02:49 AM.


                        • #13
                          damn this looks amazing...

                          definitely going on my pull list



                          • #14
                            For this first issue I have 5 copy's on reserve, 1 of the Previews special edition cover, and 4 of the other, 2 to read, for me and Anna, and 2 to bag board and store away safely



                            • #15
                              Here is a preview of New Spring #6

                              Dabel Brothers Publishing is pleased to present a 10 page preview to Robert Jordan's New Spring #6, adapted to comics by writer Chuck Dixon, with artwork by Harvey Talibao, and cover art by Mike Miller.

                              New Spring is a graphical adaptation of the best-selling prequel to Robert Jordan's acclaimed fantasy series, The Wheel of Time. The New Spring comic series, which is 8 issues long, was started in 2005 and was published up through issue #5. In 2009 Dabel Brothers will be completing the series by publishing issues 6-8.

                              In this issue, entitled “The Deeps”, Al'Lan Mandragoran, uncrowned king of the lost nation Malkier, makes his way to the city of Chachin. He is chasing a rumor that Lady Edeyn, a woman from his past, intends to lead a crusade of warriors in an effort to reclaim his lost country from the Blight. Unexpectedly, his journey will lead him to Moiraine who is on a crusade of her own—a secret and desperate search for a child born of prophecy. The Dragon has been reborn in the world and the fate of all will rest on the shoulders of those who find him.

                              Look for the book to hit stores everywhere May 20th!

                              This series was started back in 05 but some legal issues came up and it got interupted. It's now being finished a full collected trade of New Spring will be released in November for anyone who might want to get it as well.


