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Green Lantern Corps #32 review (by Andrew NDB)

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  • Green Lantern Corps #32 review (by Andrew NDB)

    Green Lantern Corps #32

    Published January 14th, 2009
    Writer : Peter J. Tomasi
    Penciller : Patrick Gleason
    Inker : Rebecca Buchman
    Cover : Patrick Gleason, Rebecca Buchman, & Nei Ruffino

    Review by Andrew NDB


    The conclusion of "Sins of the Star Sapphire," also a tie-in with the "Faces of Evil" month of January (not unlike the "New Year's Evil" event of a decade ago).

    A solid conclusion to an otherwise stellar arc of GLC. I admit, I think it suffered a bit from a somewhat not-so-stellar pentultimate chapter (the last issue) at least as far as momentum goes, but it seems like things are really made up for here in spades.

    We begin where we left off, of course, with our drug-influenced Lanterns about to be party to an impromptu C-section of the GL Amnee. We take Kryb's point of view here for a moment, immediately recognizing Kyle's willpower in fending off her drug's influence as "unsettling."

    Since the beginning of Kyle coming to GLC I've enjoyed the three or four personal moments he's been afforded so far (and look forward to more while still understanding the nature of the GLC book doesn't allot for a ton of these), but what I've been particularly interested in seeing is if and when he'd be afforded a real "moment" in the heat of some hardcore GLC action. For the first time in GLC, he really gets it here. Literally, in his words, going "Eastwood on everyone." And then he goes balls-out. First neutralizing Kryb and the tainted GLs with a ring construct pistol and then immediately hooking the tainted GLs up to a fairly elaborate mechanism that excretes the poison that's entered their bodies.

    We see "Elsewhere," where Miri, the latest (first?) Star Sapphire member is summoned to Sector 1111, where all the business with Kryb is happening. In the course of a single page we get a fair idea of how the Star Sapphires operate... Miri's ring informs her "the heart is being attacked in Sector 1111," she instructs the ring to take her there, and the ring connects a "tether" between her and where the heart is being attacked... and kind of yanks her there. Interesting.

    Back to Kyle and Kryb, the two ram each other in a little game of "Chicken" while Soranik Natu -- very much in doctor mode -- is intent on delivering Amnee's baby amidst the havoc around them.

    Help arrives in the form of Miri, who locates the "Heartbreaker" -- Kryb -- and gives her a good blasting. Even while the Green Lanterns receive a message via their rings that the new law is now into effect: "Physical relationships and love between members of the Green Lantern Corps is forbidden from this moment forth." As we might expect, everyone is way too occupied to pay it too much notice for now, or even care. At least for now.

    The GLs and Miri put the heat on Kryb. We see Miri using ring constructs (a collar to choke Kryb), so we can check that off on the list of Star Sapphire ring powers. Ultimately she's laid out and when GL KT-21 wants to lay the killing stroke down on Kryb, Kyle steps up and informs her of the duties of a GL -- they don't "do cold-blooding executions." KT-21 has none of it, blasting aside both Kyle and Miri to stomp Kryb out and hit her with a head shot... when Kryb's back/spine cage snaps open and then snaps shut around KT-21... exploding her in a pretty abrupt and disturbing display. And I'm all about abrupt and disturbing displays.

    Kyle and Miri tidy thing up, Miri gives Amnee and Matoo some parting words of love advice, and then... Amnee and Matoo relinquish their rings and step down as members of the GLC in light of the new law. Sensible enough. As best I can tell, though, wouldn't only one of the two just need to step down as GL? I can understand the all or nothing philosophy, though... the one that stepped down as a GL would undoubtedly only grow to resent the one that didn't. In any case, it sends a nice middle finger message to the Guardians that was probably the intent. Fast forwarding a bit, we see the proverbial middle finger extended a bit more... as seemingly dozens, maybe about a hundred GL rings are similarly rejected/rescinded, seen whizzing by Salaak's head back on Oa.

    Back to Kyle, Miri, and Soranik, Miri takes custody of Kryb as Kyle relents taking her back to an Oan ScienCell. When Miri tells Kyle that the Sapphire Corps can change Kryb's nature and heart, Kyle tells her that such thinking is "incredibly naive." He adds, as reasoning, "Maybe that's because I'm tired of burying everyone I've ever loved." Hard to argue with that, isn't it? Miri prods him further, telling him that he needs someone to love, that he wants someone to love. Looking to Soranik Natu, she says the same of her. Giving both Kyle and Natu a look at her head crystal, which she promises shows both of them a look at "where your true love resides," they soon afterward see each other in it. I really like the way this played out.

    Then, in a bit of an awkward moment (and I say in that awkward, Truth-or-Dare, oh shit, now I gotta say if I love/like so-and-so sort of way) the two Lanterns admit it to one another. It's a bit of an, "Awww" moment, but then only a panel later we switch gears and it's all about getting the two former Lanterns back to their homeworld. I'll admit, a little abrupt switch here... we're left wanting more, but that was probably the intent.

    We close with Mongul blazing spectacularly toward Daxam, his sights set firmly on it. I'm still not 100% clear on how the planet is even still around after "Our Worlds at War," but no matter... to Daxam we go next, with more Sodam, more Arisia, more Mongul, and even the apparent return of Arkillo. I'm down. Are you?

  • #2
    Good review, especially the middle finger to the Guardians part.


    • #3
      Very good review Andrew. Wish mine were as well put and short.


      • #4
        Thanks for the review.

        I enjoyed the issue quite a bit. I liked the scene of all the rings flying past Salaakk, it really drove the point home. I liked that Amnee and Mattoo were allowed a happy ending. They exited stage left alive, and with their child healthy. That's a rarity in the GL universe! I wouldn't mind seeing them return down the line as long as it's not just to bodybag them.

        And the moments between Kyle and Soranik at the end were nice. I'm looking forward to seeing that played out. We haven't had a good romance between Corps members since John and Kat (I'm not counting Hal and Arisia...because that wasn't a good romance!). It appears Daxam is fine, and the events of OWAW are forgotten (Fine with me, that event was a waste of paper).

        KT-21 lived all this finally bite it here? As soon as she voiced she wanted Krybb dead I knew she was toast. Rules of storytelling 101: when a D-level good guy tries to kill a subdued villain and doesn't listen to their peers protests, it's gonna bite them in the ass right then and there! Doesn't anybodyever learn? lol


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dave Cormier View Post
          KT-21 lived all this finally bite it here? As soon as she voiced she wanted Krybb dead I knew she was toast. Rules of storytelling 101: when a D-level good guy tries to kill a subdued villain and doesn't listen to their peers protests, it's gonna bite them in the ass right then and there! Doesn't anybodyever learn? lol
          That really bites. I mean, it isn't like I'm attached to the character, but wouldn't the ring be able to protect her from being physically assaulted? And she is, if I recall correctly, a single mom, so that really sucks for HER kid.


          • #6
            What happened to Daxam during OW@W? I haven't read that in ages...

            I'll have to look up which issue KT was involved in again to feel much for her death. Another "old timer" died in Rage of the Reds too, and since this one looks like she comes from Earth (not much thought put into how she was designed), well ... I saw her death coming too.

            Edit: Reread the story she was in. It's too bad for her character. They drew her ... or colored her (at least) way too human-like here. But, Boodika also suffered the same treatment.

            The ring doesn't seem to protect from mortal harm anymore. I guess she was too surprised or it happed to fast for her to put up a defence.
            Last edited by Gauntlet101010; 01-16-2009, 01:57 AM.


            • #7
              I really enjoyed the issue and frankly I was sick of Amnee and Mattoo and was glad to see them go, I hate to say it but honestly there deaths would have made them have a bigger impact for me - They were contrived characters to draw out the use of Kryb and allow for the third laws immediate impact. Basically the writers forgot to give them souls - Where is Mr. Mxylpisdfdsfoijsf when you need him
              My Ketogenic Journey

