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Green Lantern Custom figures-

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  • Green Lantern Custom figures-

    Most of you have probably sen these...but I thought I'd post them for viewing anyway.

    My GL customs

    Some more-

    Post your GL customs here!!!


  • #2
    Wow, those are awesome! Going to try and tackle the current Ion suit at some point?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post
      Wow, those are awesome! Going to try and tackle the current Ion suit at some point?
      I'm holding off...I have it on fairly reliable authority that we'll be getting one. Although I also know that alot of DCDs plans have changed recently and some stuff is being shuffled around.

      If I don't see one during this summer-con season I'm gonna start planning him for certain.



      • #4
        Originally posted by ringslinger74 View Post
        I'm holding off...I have it on fairly reliable authority that we'll be getting one. Although I also know that alot of DCDs plans have changed recently and some stuff is being shuffled around.

        If I don't see one during this summer-con season I'm gonna start planning him for certain.

        Would love to see one either way.

        That Guy Gardner is dead-on, too.


        • #5
          those are amazing. wish I had a talent like that.


          • #6
            RS ... hope you dont mind but I collect pics of GL customs and yours have been on my comp for some time they are truely amazing ... I love that you have some WAY obscure figs in there also the one you need to do as I am dying for this figure is THE BADDEST GL OF EM ALL

            JACK T. CHANCE
            My Ketogenic Journey


            • #7
              cool, I really like the original Ion one.
              Do good. Be well. Make happy.


              • #8
                Thanx folks.

                I plan on eventually getting to Jack T Chance. I just haven't found the right parts yet. I have a few more finished that I haven't taken pics of yet. Venneez, Sodom Yat, Ke'Haan, and an updated Brik. Next I'm working on the following;
                Arisia (classic GL Uniform)
                Princess Iolande

                I have alot more then this planned...but these are most likely to be next in line. Yay for Green Lantern figures!!



                • #9
                  Jack T Chance

                  I think your trying to stay in DCD but

                  DCSH Clark Kent body, and HML1 X3 Beast Head would be the base I would use
                  My Ketogenic Journey


                  • #10
                    wow thos are awesome would u sell them and if so how much.


                    • #11
                      T-t-those are freaking fantastic. The Warrior one is my favorite because it's just so damn *perfect* (okay, they're all perfect, but that one especially so), but that Tomar Tu one is fifteen kinds of incredible. O__O


                      • #12
                        Yes, the Warrior one is damned spot-on. Looking forward to seeing more.


                        • #13
                          Thank you thank you all. For the Guy Fans: I have in the planning stages- Guy with his yellow power ring and am considering doing Guy in his ridiculous yellow armor. I'm torn on it though. Anybody want to see it?

                 GL customizing is going on hold for about a month as I work on some commision pieces. Donna Troy: Darkstar and KC Darkstar (Robby Long)

                          I also have some pro stuff to do for various toy companies that I can't talk about.

                          AFter that though, I'm diving back into my GLs dammit!!!!

                          In between brush strokes I spend time with my family...

                          It's a busy life I lead-


                          • #14
                            I would love to see Guy in his yellow armor .. I always wanted to see a box set of Guy through the ages.
                            My Ketogenic Journey


                            • #15
                              Very cool!

