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Red Lanterns Get their Own Ongoing in 2011

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  • Red Lanterns Get their Own Ongoing in 2011

    Over his six years on the book, Geoff Johns has brought so many cool new elements to the Green Lantern mythos, one of my (and I’m sure many other fans’ favorites) being the other colors of Lantern Corps — from the Sinestro Corps War, to Rage of the Red Lanterns, Blackest Night and Brightest Day and everything in between, the introduction of the new Corps in the Green Lantern books have made for one heck of an epic story.

    That said, we’re excited to announce that one of those Corps is getting their own book: RED LANTERNS, launching as an ongoing comic book series written by Peter Milligan in 2011.

    Here’s Peter Milligan’s impetus for the new series:

    “Everybody who has read Green Lantern and its associated books for any time
    probably knows why Atrocitus is angry. His entire race was almost wiped out
    by marauding Manhunters.

    “But after Geoff Johns asked if I was interested in writing The Red Lantern
    Corps I started thinking about Atrocitus and his anger. Because it’s not
    just anger. It is RAGE. A crimson red rage that still consumes him after all
    this time. And when you think about it, the Manhunter massacre happened an
    awful long time ago. Eons ago. Okay, you’d never get over something like
    that. But Atrocitus’ rageŠit hasn’t weakened. It is just as immense and
    awesome as it was all those centuries ago. I wanted to know why. I wanted
    to know how.

    “In the first storyline of THE RED LANTERN CORPS we look for an answer to
    these questions. And the answer lies in part on the far side of the prison
    planet Ysmault. It is here where we’ll see why and how the rage of Atrocitus
    is just as all-consuming as it ever was. We’ll also begin to learn what goes
    on in the boiling brains of his napalm-blooded corps. Can the proud Bleeze
    remain a loyal servant? How does the angry cat DEXTAR try to feed its
    beloved master? And what horrors lie at the bed of the ocean of blood?”

    -Peter Milligan


  • #2
    Guess I'm pulling another book on my list.


    • #3
      God DAMMIT.
      The last fan of 1990s comics
      Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


      • #4

        REALLY? One note personalities get their own ONGOING series just like that? When you have over 1000 characters that can't even get a whif of an appearance? REALLY? How can you justify 4 ongoing Green Lantern books and say the market can't afford to keep ANY of your highly praised co-features? Fuck me this is some stupid shit right here. When DCE brought the end to Wildstorm, I knew more titles would have to be added to the market, but how the fuck can you justify THIS series being first out of the gate?! Who the fuck put that shit at the top of the priority list? Have they not been reading Green Lantern? Atrocitus gets more fucking page time than Hal Jordan! He just had a whole fucking issue to himself, something Hal probably hasn't had in this entire volume. Who the fuck is making the decisions over there? RED LANTERNS? Seriously...someone must have wikiLeaks on speeddial with some dirt on Dan DiDio, Jim Lee AND Diane Nelson.


        • #5
          Great news! The reds deserve their own title more than any other corps. If for no other reason than this:



          • #6
            I'll probably pick up the first issue of this title and decide from there if I want to keep it or not much like I did with Emerald Warriors.


            • #7
              I will read it, but it wouldn't be my first Corps of choice to give an ongoing title. I doubt this can survive long term, unless they use this book as a mixer for all the other Corps to interact. Even that first story didn't sound particularly riveting.
              "My mind is deluged with thoughts of Heaven and Hell,
              Crime and Punishment, Damnation and Redemption. Hal
              Jordan... And The Spectre.

              I'm dead, yet I live. I have no identity. Yet I know
              who I am. And once again I've been given power enough
              to change the world. This time, Lord...
              Let me be worthy."


              • #8
                -waiting for new Aquaman ongoing since 2008-
                Rockstar Social Club: CircusRock || XBL: Aquaman Returns


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Spectremjm View Post
                  unless they use this book as a mixer for all the other Corps to interact.
                  That book already exists. It's called Green Lantern.
                  The last fan of 1990s comics
                  Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


                  • #10
                    Like no duh!


                    • #11
                      I agree with West's objections but since it exists (will exist), will pick it up anyway.
                      Space Cop
                      The Dandy
                      Last edited by Space Cop; 01-04-2011, 02:40 AM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SD80MAC View Post
                        That book already exists. It's called Green Lantern.
                        Cute, but I meant the Corps as a whole interacting, just not the New Guardians. Plus, I suspect that the New Guardians working as a team, at least all being together in one place, will end soon. Especially with Saint Walker about to join the JLA.
                        "My mind is deluged with thoughts of Heaven and Hell,
                        Crime and Punishment, Damnation and Redemption. Hal
                        Jordan... And The Spectre.

                        I'm dead, yet I live. I have no identity. Yet I know
                        who I am. And once again I've been given power enough
                        to change the world. This time, Lord...
                        Let me be worthy."


                        • #13
                          Myself I honestly expected the Sinestro Corp or the Sapphire Corps to get a solo book before the Red.

                          Owned by Natu
                          Last edited by Darth_Andrea; 01-03-2011, 10:02 PM.


                          • #14
                            Interesting.. I might pick that up.


                            • #15
                              My first thought was: This is more important than a John Stewart ongoing?!?

                              Con: I never asked for this.

                              Con: There are numerous GL titles I'd rather have than this.

                              Pro: Hal Jordan might actually show up in his own book again.

                              Con: Hal Jordan will next get bumped out of his own book by Saint Walker.

                              Con: Green Lantern is apparently the new tryout title. Might want to consider changing the title to Showcase.

                              Con: Does this mean Milligan is leaving Hellblazer?

                              Pro: Maybe the skittle brigade stories will take a backseat in GL for a while.

                              Pro: This Red Lantern title will sell for a while out of curiosity. Good for the GL books in the short term.

                              Pro: When the RL title runs its course, DC can finally shift their focus away from the skittle brigade and get back to telling GREEN Lantern stories.

