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Old collector but here

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  • Old collector but here

    I'm new to the board. Been collecting GL comics and figures since Hal became Parallax.

  • #2
    Originally posted by GreenFanatic View Post
    I'm new to the board. Been collecting GL comics and figures since Hal became Parallax.
    Hey there! Welcome to the board. And that's also exactly when I started reading GL stuff.


    • #3
      It makes me feel really old to think that "since Hal became Parallax" constitutes an "old collector".


      • #4
        sorry. lol
        didnt mean to offend.


        • #5
          One of us! One of us! Gooble gobble, gooble gobble!


          • #6
            Originally posted by GreenFanatic View Post
            sorry. lol
            didnt mean to offend.
            No offense taken. I AM old.


            • #7
              I also was already a longtime GL fan when Emerald Twilight crapped on my childhood. But I was in High School, so I was still a minor at least.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                It makes me feel really old to think that "since Hal became Parallax" constitutes an "old collector".
                Hal became Parallax 25 years ago.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Trey Strain View Post
                  Hal became Parallax 25 years ago.
                  I'm aware. Why else would it make me feel old?


                  • #10
                    25 years indeed and I've been counting. That's how long Ron Marz and Darrell Banks have been war criminals, as far as I'm concerned.

                    Tell me you hate your boyfriend and love me.

                    INVISIBLE SKY DADDY TO THE RESCUE!!!

                    You don't have to be stupid to believe in God. But it helps.

                    You can tell a Yorkshireman....but you can't tell him much.


                    • #11
                      Marz and Banks didn't make that decision.

                      Denny O'Neil, the man who ruined Hal in the first place, had a big hand in it. Get mad at him. And get mad at Jenette Kahn, who adamantly refused to undo it for so long.
                      Trey Strain
                      Guardian of the Universe
                      Last edited by Trey Strain; 09-18-2019, 12:39 AM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by GreenFanatic View Post
                        I'm new to the board. Been collecting GL comics and figures since Hal became Parallax.
                        Greetings, fellow Virginian. Even though my heart is in Lexington, KY, I live in the Shenandoah Valley. We're actually pretty far away from one another despite living in the same state. Until I looked at Wise on a map just now, I could have sworn that it was closer.

                        Originally posted by Trey Strain View Post
                        Marz and Banks didn't make that decision.

                        Denny O'Neil, the man who ruined Hal in the first place, had a big hand in it. Get mad at him. And get mad at Jenette Kahn, who adamantly refused to undo it for so long.
                        There's an interview somewhere where Darryl talked about being informed of the story, and he said that the one thing he didn't want was for "anything to happen to Kilowog." Of course, one of the first things he was asked to do was draw Hal smoking 'Wog.
                        Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1

