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  • #61
    I love how they're playing out the 'one way-death' scenario. I love it.


    • #62
      I do like the what kills you makes you stronger


      • #63
        I have to say Erica is such a great lois she has an attitude but you can tell how she really feels with her eyes


        • #64
          Yeah... Erica Durance has really gotten into the roll over the years... now she really is great at it.
          Do good. Be well. Make happy.


          • #65
            DOOMSDAY NEXT WEEK! He looks pretty good for a TV budget. Not perfect but as good as they can do!

            Here's where you can find a screen cap of him.



            • #66
              How the hell is it possible for someone like Doomsday to show up and Clark NOT be Superman?! Doomsday should have been saved for the finale...


              • #67
                if you ask me (and none of you did grrr), it looks like they got the look of Doomsday just right

                IonFan says

                MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                • #68
                  Ionfan, how did Doomsday look to you? lol

                  Btw, is there any video to this? I haven't seen an episode since the GA origin one.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by W.West View Post
                    How the hell is it possible for someone like Doomsday to show up and Clark NOT be Superman?!

                    One word... ELSEWORLDS!

                    Why is that so fucking hard for people to grasp?!
                    Do good. Be well. Make happy.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by W.West View Post
                      Btw, is there any video to this?
                      + YouTube Video
                      ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.
                      Do good. Be well. Make happy.


                      • #71
                        thx Parry, I might have to actually watch this..Doomsday and Lana's return...sounds good to me.


                        • #72
                          Just so aren't confused, let me give you the big spoilers from today's episode: In order to save Chloe from the Brainiac infection that was taking her over, Clark rebuilt the fortress and asked Jor-El to extract Brainiac from her, but he also had Jor-El remove her memories of his powers... so thats why she won't know about him... oh, and Brainiac infected the fortress right at the end.
                          Do good. Be well. Make happy.


                          • #73
                            We should see Brainiac's return soon no? I was actually shocked when I saw the previews for next week. I can't believe they are actually making him look like Doomsday. That's awesome. I thought he'd be "Smallville-ized". This season has been the best so far with Season 6 as runner up.

                            People do have to grasp that Smallville, is a world in it's own. It has elements of Superman mythology, that's all. It can in no way be connected to the comics, any of the movies or previous tv shows. It's also obvious that the target audience for the show, is the CW target audience of idiotic teenagers who just wanna see the relationship soap opera crap. If they ignored that and just concentrated on the mythology(which they pretty much have this year so far, save for Lana coming back) it would be so much better. Once you get past all that, it's a pretty good show.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Jack-O-Lantern View Post
                              We should see Brainiac's return soon no?
                              We already have, as far as I'm concerned... his voice spoke to Jor-El in the final moments of the episode, as he took over the crystal controls... and then we saw the fortress turn black, the doom sign illuminate and something begin to materialize just as the credits popped up... yeah... I'm assuming he's back as of that moment until we are revealed something otherwise.
                              Do good. Be well. Make happy.


                              • #75
                                James Marsters returning as Brainiac? Hell sounds good to me. He was gredat as Brainiac. He had the right mix of cold emotionless expressions like a computer should why'll also being incredibly threatening and cruel(ex.messing with Lana's head in Season 7. I hate her but that was cruel)

